該應用程序是為援助組織(THW,FIRE,RESCUE,山區救援,警察等)的援助組織成員,該應用程序通過SMS通向手機而獲得警報,而始終可以依靠。該應用程序根據SMS消息中的預設編號和 /或文本(關鍵字)響應傳入的消息。 Features: * Individual ring tone for every Alarm Box * response function to an alarm SMS with Yes or No * Advanced reply text can be entered * alternate number for the reply SMS * Unlimited number of configurable Alarm Box es * alarm can be signaled by number and / or keyword * be in silent alarm is also signaled * Wake up the phone from standby * Assign a contact from the phone book (all the phone numbers of contact are used) * sample alarm can be triggered Alarm Box per additional info there under http://alarmbox.schaefer dryden.de-bugs and feature requests please fill in the bug tracker: http://mantis.schaefer-dryden.de如果您想在Fortnite第6章中淘汰您的Outlaw Quests,這是如何幫助大蒔蘿與聚會的方法。
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