Plane Game Flight Simulator 3D是在线最全面的飞机游戏。
Plane Game Flight Simulator 3D是一款激动人心的飞行模拟游戏,它将您置于飞行员椅子上并控制自己的客机。
As the pilot of the plane it is your job to get the passengers safely to their destinations in 20 exciting and unique levels. Check the runway to see it is clear and then push the throttle to the max for take off in one of the most realistic flight simulation games you will find on android.
仔细接近目的地,并确保将飞机放慢脚步以安全地着陆,否则可能会伤害乘客并暂停驾照。 It's a thrill to fly and you won't fly in a better simulation.
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