Wordathon Friends : Play Boggle against all the word lovers around the world.
Конкурировать/навыки тестирования словарного запаса во всем мире ~@~
Играйте «Word-A-Thon Friends» против/с игроками по всему миру. “ Wordathon Friends ” have live games in which you complete against the best 'word-brainiacs' of the world.
В сетке Word-A-Thon Cubes 4x4 соединяется и найдите как можно больше слов. Make words swiping horizontally, vertically, diagonally, or go mad "zigzag" in the 4x4 grid.
Playing Word-A-Thon makes you smart and improves your vocabulary. Be the best among your friends.
Fantastic Features:
- 4x4 English alphabet grid
- Global Live Game
- No repeats, a new game everytime
- Global Leader board
- The most comprehensive dictionary
- См. Список слов, которые вы пропустили
- Check lifetime score summary on Home screen
- Accentuated gameplay time, fit for all
- A timeless time-killer game
The Home Screen keeps you updated about your progress in “Word-A-Thon Friends”. Other smart features on Gameplay screen helps you keep count of words you found and the remaining time. Moreover, keep an eye on the list of words you have found. The words are listed alphabetically from left-top to right-bottom.
Here's a tip: Color of the chain of cubes formed so far tells you a lot. If blue, you are going right, keep moving further. When green, you have found a WORD!!
Provide us your feedback, it helps us improve.
- Rotation of grid
- There are 4 type of grids like "Basic Grid", "Two-in-one grid", "Starts with Grid" and "Ends With Grid"
- Dictionary links on words in Game Score Screen.
- Separated list of common and obscure words in Game Score Screen.
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