Станьте лучшей медсестрой! Take care of newborns in the baby nursery!
You're in charge of the baby nursery! Get ready to take care of the newborn cuties. Learn how to be an amazing nurse and love so many little ones at once! Throw them a fabulous baby shower before their parents take them home!
Станьте лучшей медсестрой! Get ready to take care of tons of adorable newborn babies! All these cuties just came into the world, and it's your job to keep them happy in the hospital nursery! О, нет! The babies are crying! Calm them down with your expert nursing skills!
> Become a caring, loving baby nurse! All the babies will be safe with your expert care!
> Take care of many babies at once in the hospital nursery!
> Decorate the nursery walls with elephant wallpaper, froggy stickers & more!
> Their cribs need decorations too! Hang up pretty pictures on them!
> Give the cuties checkups and treat them with real doctor tools!
> Give the babies their milk bottles so they'll be super strong and healthy!
> Make sure each baby sleeps soundly and doesn't wake up the others!
> Design each baby's blankets and diapers until they're mini fashionistas!
> Yuck! What's that smell? It's time for a diaper change!
> Play a fun baby crib match game – make sure each baby is in the right crib!
> The babies got dirty! Clean them while they splash around in the tub.
> Organize a fun baby shower! Bake cakes & take family photos!
> Clean the cars & decorate the car seats so they're ready to go home!
> Make beautiful Baby Diaries to show all of the babies' firsts!
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