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Все играбельные гонки в признании

Автор: Анонимный Дата обновления: 2025-03-27

Avowed builds off of the diverse Fantasy world of Eora established in the Pillars of Eternity series of isometric RPGs. While there is much variety between races of Kith in the game, your options in character creator are fairly limited. Here's all the playable races in Avowed .

Humans (Known In-Universe as Folk)

Humans (AKA Folk in Avowed ) are the most predominant race of characters in the game, and in the character creator. Humans are part of the umbrella group called Kith in Avowed , which comprises several species of sentient, civilized life.

Thankfully, the Human customization options in Avowed are diverse to match the widest group of players possible. In Avowed , Humans have many presets, as well as in depth character customization tools. Существует широкий спектр пресетов на лице, ползунок тона кожи и текстуры волос и доступные в создателе персонажа, которые, как мы надеемся, должны дать большинству игроков адекватные инструменты для создания персонажа, который их представляет.


Elves are another race players can select from in Avowed. Elves appear nearly identical to human characters, except for some slightly different facial structures by default; and of course, long, pointy ears.


There is technically a third race option playable in Avowed . While all Envoys are Godlike in the story, players can choose whether or not to show Godlike features. Godlikes have unique hair and facial features. There are a wide variety to choose from, varying from the subtle to surreal. At Avowed launch, there are 14 Godlike facial features available to choose from, and four Godlike hair features. The same options are available for all characters, regardless of race or body type.

What Gender Options are Available in the Avowed Character Creator? Ответил

In Avowed , there are four Body Types to choose from. You have the ability to choose from masculine or feminine body type, which are available for Humans and Elves. There are two feminine and two masculine voices to choose from. Players are also able to select their character's identifier which shapes which pronouns they are referred to as. There is the option to choose between he, she, and they.

Several Races Present in Avowed Are Not Playable

Unfortunately, the player character is not able to be customized to reflect all of the races present in NPCs. There are several Kith races you'll see represented by prominent characters that you are unable to model your own character after. Несмотря на появление гномов, полуакватических аумауа и полуразмерных волосатых орланов на живых землях, эти варианты недоступны в создателе персонажа в Avowed . При этом всегда есть возможность, что Obsidian Entertainment добавляет больше вариантов гонки для создателя персонажа в будущих обновлениях или DLC в поля .

And that's every playable race in Avowed . If you're looking for more, here's our guide to the various backgrounds you can choose during character creation.