Yarn for Hacker News is a client for browsing and interacting with Hacker News
Yarn for Hacker News is a client for browsing and interacting with the Hacker News website. Yarn for Hacker News sets itself apart from other clients by allowing you to log in, vote, comment and submit content. It also has several features to help reading such as night and AMOLED themes and the option to read articles in readability.
• Filter stories by home, top (powered by Algolia), new, show, ask or jobs
• Multiple account logins
• Submit your own links or original content
• Share stories from and to other apps
• Upvote, downvote and comment on stories
• Collapsible comments
• Color coded comment threads
• Night & AMOLED modes
• Read articles in readability
• Search posts (powered by Algolia)
Известные проблемы:
Logging in to the Hacker News website after logging in to Yarn will invalidate your login on Yarn . This is because Yarn stores your login cookie, instead of your password, which Hacker News invalidates when you log in via their website
For news, updates and access to the beta, join the Google Plus community at https://plus.google.com/communities/113925577732023099124
Yarn for Hacker News is an unofficial app. Hacker News and the Hacker News logo, trademark and trade dress are registered trademarks owned by Y Combinator.
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