Приложение PeopleSync Client - это клиент Android CardDAV для бизнеса.
PeopleSync Client
Приложение PeopleSync Client - это клиент Android CardDAV для бизнеса. The app synchronizes address lists and contacts from the messageconcept PeopleSync server software.
Контакты будут синхронизированы в хранилище контактов по умолчанию на вашем устройстве Android и будут доступны в приложении Contacts по умолчанию и вашим любимым приложениям для сторонних сторон.
The app was built for business usage and central administration through the IT staff. In a typical usage scenario the address lists to sync by a certain user are provisioned on server side. The app will always sync all address lists, available on the server.
If you are not using PeopleSync Server, we recommend DAVx⁵ from bitfire web engineering or other free or commercial apps.
On iOS devices CardDAV is supported by the native operating system. The PeopleSync Client covers this gap in Android.
PeopleSync Server
What does PeopleSync do?
Mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, synchronize your personal address lists by default. But mobile devices are capable of synchronizing folders in your personal mailbox only. Therefore your company's address books are missing on your smartphones and tablet computers. messageconcept PeopleSync acts as a directory connector for mobile devices. The address list server synchronizes the company's address lists automatically with your smartphones, tablets and applications. PeopleSync поставляется с агентами синхронизации для предприятий, таких как Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange Server, SharePoint, Office 365, DELARY LDAP, базы данных SQL и системы CRM. The software works via the CardDAV standard and is therefore compatible with all major mobile device platforms.
Why do we need PeopleSync ?
Пользователям смартфонов нужны контактные данные своих коллег, клиентов и других деловых партнеров, используя свои мобильные устройства на дороге или даже в офисе. Offline synchronization of company's databases is not available for mobile devices by default. Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and similar protocols synchronize each user's personal contacts only.
With synchronized contact data mobile devices are able to resolve caller IDs when receiving a call or when displaying the missed calls lists. Кроме того, с PeopleSync пользователи всегда могут набирать номер из адресных книг своего телефона, потому что у них есть все данные под рукой. PeopleSync optimizes the productivity of your knowledge workers and your sales staff by providing enterprise address data on all devices.
Find more information about the messageconcept PeopleSync Server at https://www.messageconcept.com/PeopleSync/.
Поддержка приложения
Please contact us via @messageconcept (https://twitter.com/messageconcept) if you have questions regarding our app. Support by phone and email will be provided to existing customers of our PeopleSync server software. Please be so kind to accept this policy, as we provide the app free of charge.
The PeopleSync Client App is licensed under the GPLv3 License. Please find the source code as well as a link to the license conditions at https://github.com/messageconcept/PeopleSyncClient.
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