Style helps You to customization and personalization your GO Locker
Style helps You to customization and personalization your GO Locker with great green, red, blue, orange stuff, and that all for FREE!
Do you love colored fire and smoke ganja or weed? Like blunts/blunt, joint or water bong? If yes, it is application for you! And it's for free!
This applications helps You customization and personalization your GO Locker with pink, rose, red and blue wallpapers, fonts and icons.
GO Locker Theme Smoke Color s ONLY WORKS with GO Locker application, if you don't have it, download from Google Play.
This theme is for every rastaman on green planet. In this project we have presented our vision of red smoke ganja and weed world. Install it and you will follow of love to the grass. Feel and see how marihuana looks live in colorful colors like aquamarine, yellow, red and purple or violet. This a new skin for GO Locker, theme was created for this android users who like themes related with rasta style and smoking weed.
If you like red color, you are rasta, or rastafari, try this free theme with epic wallpaper and icons include in this Golocker theme.
This Go Theme have a two great high resolution HD wallpapers for main background, and great red and blue icons.
1. Download and install for free, GO Locker and GO Launcher EX from Google Play
2. Go to MENU
3. Press Preferences
4. Click Themes
5. Press Locker tab
6. Press Installed
7. Choose Your favorite unlock theme
8. Press apply to set this theme GO Locker Theme Smoke Color s
This is a custom lockscreen replacement app with a charging animated battery. looks like a iPhone Lock!
GO Locker, design to GO Launcher EX is the most simple locker for Android!
Feel like a real rastaman with rasta phone, be happy every time when you post a sms message!
Try now this blue, yellow and red theme with white and sanguine, orange smoke and tons customization options.
Smoke was modeled on the smoke from the fire.
Remember that marijuana and smoking mary jane may be illegal like drugs or narcotic in some countries.
*** Features of GO Locker :
1. Cool Locker Screen that makes your phone outstanding;
2. Good compatibility with GO Launcher EX and it is stable;
3. Easy to use;
4. Able to activate phone, SMS and Camera directly or you can change the slider shortcuts yourself;
6. Support customise wallpaper;
7. Security locker;
8. Emergency unlock enabled;
Отказ от ответственности: в этом приложении используются интерстициальная реклама и баннеры.
Check other our GOLocker Themes, GOSMSPro Themes, and GO Launcher EX, free themes.
Темы публикуются все время, поэтому не забудьте регулярно проверять нашу учетную запись разработчика.
Style was created by WorkshopTheme.
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