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Todos os ninjas clãs e movimentos de clãs listados

Autor: Anônimo Data de Atualização: 2025-03-17

Ninja Tim e has become an instant hit on Roblox, with a massive response from anime community worldwide. Now it's time to explore every single ninja Clan in the game, and see how they hit, run, heal, and everything in between. Trazemos a todos os movimentos de clãs no Ninja Time listados e classificados em mesas arrumadas, com a descrição de detalhes, para que você possa se preparar completamente para sua aventura.


  • All Ninja Time Clan Moves Listed
    • Alma
    • Curador
    • Osso
    • Erro
    • Sombra
    • Lutador
    • Trovão amarelo
    • Olhos brancos
    • Olhos roxos
    • Olhos vermelhos
    • Red Eyes Clans

All Ninja Time Clan Moves Listed

Below are listed all clans and their skills from the Roblox game Ninja Time , including two Clans waiting to be released. Take your time to study them and choose the one that best reflects your playing style and anime ambitions. Once you finish, we advise you to check our ultimate Ninja Time Clans guide and tier list, so you can make an informed decision when deciding which Ninja Time Clan to join and make history.


Soul is a common clan in Ninja Time ( 48,5% spin chance ) best known for efficiency against groups of enemies. Overall, it's a mediocre clan but can be quite fun in the hands of a player skilled in enemy-controlling.

Skill Name : Names not released yet Requisitos Efeito
Ninjutsu 5 Damage 50 + 1 per Mastery level is a good start, especially with Defense break.
Ninjutsu 10 This is very cool: control the enemy and apply Defense break, great for strategists.
Ninjutsu 15 High-output damage of 100 + 1 per Mastery level, and Defense break to boot.
Ninjutsu 20 While 0 damage sounds lame, imagine what you can do while controlling multiple enemies and imposing Defense break on them.
Ninjutsu 25 This is what you want: base damage 300 + 2 per mastery level, AND Defense break to sweeten the deal.


Like Soul, Healer is also a common clan ( 48,5% ), and the one you will probably roll first. It is a support character focused on healing both you and your allies. Probably the least effective clan combat-wise.

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Venha até mim
Healer 1 A quick dash and a mighty melee blow to one target. 10 damage + 6 per Mastery level.

Auto Heal
Healer 5 Heals one person, either you or one of your friends touched, for 5 health per second + 0,5 per Mastery level

Destroying Kick
Healer 8 A mighty blow, ideal against melee juggernauts, granting +8 Mastery level and Defense break against enemies.

Heal Area
Healer 5 A healing power affecting both you and your friends in the surrounding area, healing 5 HP per second and +0,5 Mastery level.

Mega Clutcher
Healer 8 An impressive jump-and-detonate skill dealing area damage near your landing spot, dealing 20 damage +10 per Mastery level.

Auto Heal rage
Healer 15 Aumenta sua produção de danos, mas drena seu pool de chakra, além da cicatrização regular, cura 25 hp por segundo nível de +0,5, drena 30 chakra por segundo.

Healer Mask
Healer 25 A fantastic healing tool bringing you up to full life, +20 Taijutsu Mastery per 30 seconds.

Heal Area rage
Healer 15 Similar to Auto Heal rage but works like an area effect, healing 25 health per second and +0,3 Mastery level.

Chakra Hand
Healer 20 Increases your attack speed, movement, and Taijutsu melee damage output by 1,5x.


In terms of rarity, Bone is an epic clan with a 15% spin chance . It combines strong ranged attacks with solid defensive abilities, and is capable of passive damage output to enemies. A decent clan, but still not impressive as some others.

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Bone Balls
Bone 1 Your basic, low-damage ranged attack sticking to multiple targets, dealing 1 hp per bone + 0,9 per Mastery level.

Bone Dagger
Bone 4 Creates a moderately effective melee weapon made out of bone, causing 2 seconds of blood damage per hit.

Bone Drill Spike
Bone 8 Area of effect skill producing epic bone spikes hitting several enemies, with a damage output of 12 HP + 6 per Mastery level.

Bone Mode
Bone 4 You get a set of bone armor, afflicting more damage in melee, and base damage is increased 10% from defense.

Bone Dance
Bone 6 Movimento visualmente impressionante, infligindo danos sólidos ao alvo corpo a corpo único, infligindo 3 hp por acerto + 1,1 por nível de domínio, 5 segundos de danos sanguíneos e impõe quebra de defesa.

Bone Mountain Spike
Bone 12 Similar to Bone Drill Spike, but more powerful and covers a larger area with huge spikes, dealing 15 HP + 8 per Mastery level.

Bone Spike Area
Bone 15 Another spiked area of effect skill, targeting many opponents, now with a massive damage output causing 18 HP + 10 per Mastery level.

Bone Spike Dash
Bone 20 The most powerful move consisted of a devastating and eye-pleasing melee charge, inflicting 20 damage + 30 per Mastery level.


If crowd control is your thing, Bug clan offers tons of fun. It is a rare clan with a 30% spin chance , ideal for ranged attack players who like to deal with multiple enemies at once. However, Bug clan is still inferior to several others Ninja Time clans, especially those related to Eyes .

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Insect Infusion
Bug 1 Shrouds you with insects providing extra damage output of 1 second of poison damage per hit.

Insect Swarm
Bug 5 Attaches to the person you are targeting and deals constant damage, dealing 10 HP + 4 per Master level and 5 seconds of poison damage.

Insect Domain
Bug 12 Uma área de efeito de efeito que causa danos sólidos a vários alvos, causando 3 hp por acerto + 2 por nível de domínio e inflige 1 segundo de dano por veneno.

Insect Tornado
Bug 8 Similar to Insect Domain but less powerful, inflicting 2 HP per hit + 2 per Mastery level and 1 second of poison damage.

Insect Orb
Bug 10 Creates an orb dealing massive damage to all inside, taking 15 damage + 10 per Mastery level, 10 second poison damage and causes Defense break.

Insect Suffocate
Bug 15 Uma enorme esfera azul que causa toneladas de danos a vários alvos, bastante poderosa quando empilhada com outras habilidades, causando 5 hp por acerto + 1 por nível de domínio e 1 segundo de dano de veneno.


Shadow can be a bit disappointing for some players since it's based around enemy group control instead of dealing massive amounts of damage. It's a rare clan with 30% spin chance , but most players skip the Shadow and go for more powerful clans.

Skill Name : Names not released yet Exigência Efeito
Ninjutsu 5 Your basic attack with a nice damage of 50 + 1 per Mastery level.
Ninjutsu 5 Zero damage output, but you can control the enemy and apply Defense break to the target.
Ninjutsu 10 Now we're talking: you deal base damage 80 + 1 per Mastery level, and enable Defense break in a flashy way.
Ninjutsu 10 In addition to damage 100 + 1 per Mastery level, you can use Defense break against foes.
Ninjutsu 15 No damage, but you can control multiple enemies and apply Defense break to all of them.
Ninjutsu 15 Another zero damage skill, but involves Defense break and can give you Chakra boost +20 per second.
Ninjutsu 20 This is a reliable attack of damage 30 per hit + 1 per Mastery level, you'll be using it a lot.
Ninjutsu 20 A better version of enemy hindering, with no damage, but with Defense break and +30 Chakra per second.
Ninjutsu 25 Your ultimate skill, dealing damage 400 + 2 per mastery level, albeit with a 40 second cooldown.


With it's Inner Gates, Fighters can be truly deadly clan members. They are focused on high amounts of melee damage and a lot of combat techniques. It's a legendary clan with a 5% spin chance .

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Falling Meteor Strike
Taijutsu 5 Punches the enemy and lifts it high into the air, dealing 10 base damage +4 per Mastery level.

Ascending Gale Kick
Taijutsu 15 Another physical attack with spectacular aerial combat experience, with a base damage of 5 HP per hit, +3 per Mastery level.

Teleporting Meteor Kick
Taijutsu 10 A short teleportation followed by a devastating kick, dealing 10 damage + 5 per Mastery, excellent for melee combat in the open.

Dynamic Entry
Taijutsu 10 A quick dash and a powerful melee punch in the end, great for taking out distant enemies. The base damage is only 10, but +6 per Mastery level is what makes thig skill so efficient.
From 5 to 50 Taijutsu. The ultimate fighter move, inflicting over-the-top damage while you gain even more speed and agility. Depending on your Gate, buffs range from +5 Mastery and +6 Agility Mastery, to +40 Mastery and +20 Agility mastery.

Trovão amarelo

Yellow Thunder is an extremely fun clan to play due to unparalleled speed and movement abilities. It also feature a unique combat prowess, and it's a mighty clan indeed, even compared to famous Eyes . Yellow Thunder is a Legendary clan with a 5% spin chance .

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Yellow Kunai
Yellow Thunder 1 Throw a Kunai to mark a teleport location for Yellow Teleport. You can have multiple Kunai across the world.

Yellow Teleport
Yellow Thunder 1 Teleport to any Yellow Kunai you choose by clicking on the menu on your left that appears when pressing the move's key.

Mark of the Storm
Yellow Thunder 6 A melee grab attack marking hit targets and enabling you to teleport next to them in an instant.

Yellow Seal
Yellow Thunder 4 Summons a seal to absorb and negate any projectile that hits you.

Yellow Blink Dash
Yellow Thunder 6 A quick straight-line Kunai that enables immediate teleportation to where it lands, works on allies and foes.

Yellow Thunderous Flight
Yellow Thunder 8 Throw out a Kunai and if it hits a target immediately teleport above them and slam them down with a powerful, high-damage Rasengan. Damage 2 per hit + 2 per Mastery level.

Yellow Tri-Kunai Assault
Yellow Thunder 10 Jogue fora um kunai e, se atingir um alvo, se teletransportar imediatamente, jogue mais dois ao seu redor, teletransportando-os rapidamente e cortando-os por um grande dano de alvo único. Damage 2 per hit + 2 per Mastery level.

Yellow Heavenly
Yellow Thunder 25 Se um kunai atingir um alvo, convoce um clone de sombra que se retire o alvo e execute um ataque de tri-kunai amarelo neles enquanto você carrega um rasengan, antes que o clone traga o alvo de volta para você e você o critique com um Rasengan Dangan de alto dano, danificarem 10 por 3 por um nível de mastery.

Olhos brancos

The least powerful of all Eyes, White Eyes are mythical clan with a 1% spin chance . Clan members are focused on physical combat and unique fighting styles, and having a sort-of-an X-ray vision is also very cool.

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Eight Palms
White Eyes 1 A string of melee blows inflicting 8 damage per hit + 3 per Mastery level.

White Eye Vision
White Eyes 4 Enables you to see enemies' Chakra points through walls.

32 Eight Trigrams
White Eyes 6 Mighty melee blows followed by lifting the enemy in the air and punching him even harder, 12 damage per hit + 5 per Mastery.

Eight Trigrams Palms
White Eyes 8 Gain +0,75 per Mastery level and deal even more deadly blows.

64 Eight Trigrams
White Eyes 15 A set of multiple melee attacks with devastating effect, dealing 8 HP per hit + 2 per Mastery level.

White Eye Mode
White Eyes 1 and 50+ Golden Eyes quest Use this flamboyant mode to gain +6 White Eyes Mastery level, or Golden Eyes + 10 White Eyes Mastery level.

Olhos roxos

Now we're talking big! Purple Eyes clan is the hardest to spin, with a divine rarity of just 0,5% chance . It is capable of doing almost all you can imagine: ranged attacks, strong group control, and high damage output.

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Purple Eyes Mode
Purple Eyes 1 Allows you to use other Purple Eyes' skills with 45% skill damage increase.

Rocket Barrage
Purple Eyes 1 You cast several small fire projectiles, each dealing 20 HP + 1 per mastery level

Universal Pull
Purple Eyes 3 Conjures an orb that pulls enemies and deal damage, 20 HP per hit + 2 per Mastery level.

Rhino Rush
Purple Eyes 7 You project a huge rhino dealing massive damage, 500 HP + 4 per Mastery level.

Divine Push
Purple Eyes 1 Enemies around you are pushed and dealt high damage, 100 HP + 1 per mastery level.

Chameleon Invocation
Purple Eyes 7 Summons a giant chameleon land mount.

Bird Invocation
Purple Eyes 7 Summons a cool looking flying mount.

Soul Grab
Purple Eyes 10 Deals spectacular damage to a nearby enemy, taking 400 HP and 5% of target's total health + 2 per Mastery level.

Universal Absorption
Purple Eyes 10 Summons your clone with a chakra-draining red zone around it, taking 100 Chakra per second.

Purple Eyes 10 Summons a Hellgate damaging nearby enemies, 100 HP per hit + 1 per Mastery level.

Gama Beam
Purple Eyes 15 Channels an exploding orb pushing enemies away, dealing 300 HP per hit +4 per Mastery level.

Demonic Statue
Purple Eyes 25 Summons a divine beast dealing tremendous damage in a front line, 50 HP per hit + 4 per Mastery level.

Celestial Subjugation
Purple Eyes 20 Forms a magnetic orb pulling nearby enemies, locking them in the air and dealing massive damage, 500 HP + 4 per Mastery level.

Olhos vermelhos

If combat is all you want, Red Eyes clan is your champion. Granted, it has a mythical rarity of just 1% chance to spin, but once engaged, they are devastating in all form of martial arts. Their multiple burst abilities are nicely paired with both close and ranged combat.

Nome da habilidade Requisitos Efeito

Red Eyes Atributes
Genjutsu 1 Get into the Red Eyes mode and increase all of your attributes by 10%. Looks and feels great!

Red Eyes CopyJutsu
Genjutsu 4 When an opponent uses a skill, you can mimic it and turn it against him.

Red Eyes Predict
Genjutsu 6 Impressive looking feat enabling you to deflect damage in a spectacular manner.

Red Eyes Genjutsu
Genjutsu 8 A mind-blowing attack inflicting 25 damage + 3 per Mastery level.

Red Eyes Izanami
Genjutsu 10 Ao implantar essa habilidade, toda a sua saúde e chakra restaurará de maneira chamativa, inimigos impressionantes no processo e devolvendo -os às suas posições iniciais.

Red Eyes Clans

In addition to the skills listed above, all five Red Eyes sub-clans have their own perks and tricks. Check them out before playing and learn all the powers and abilities.

Raven : Decent damage and excellent control skills Teleporter : AoE skills, solid damage and long cooldowns Intangible : Epic single-target damage paired with invisibility Meteor : Ridiculous AoE damage and Defense break Black Flames : Massive DoT damage and low cooldowns

Red Eyes Amaterasu Mode
Requirements: Raven 1-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From +2 up to +10 Red Eyes Mastery level

Carmine Illusion Mode
Requirements: Teleporter 1-50
Effects: +2 Mastery level to +10 Mastery level

Sky Shadow Mode
Requirements: Intangible 1-50
Effect: From +2 to +10 Mastery level

Crimson Inferno Mode
Requirements: Meteor 1-50
Effect: From +2 up to +10 Mastery level

Ruby Tempest Mode
Requirements: Black Flames 1-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From +2 to 10 Red Eyes Mastery level

Scarlet Blaze Mode
Requirements: Raven 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 5 HP per hit, +2,2 mastery level, +1 second of black flames damage

Red Eyes Teleporter Kotoa
Requirements: Teleporter 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage + 15 per Mastery level, stunned NPCs, no M1s, jutsus, substitutions and weakened movement

Intangible Intangible
Requirements: Intangible 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: +40 Agility mastery

Small Meteor
Requirements: Meteor 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: damage 20 + 12 per Mastery level

Darkness Slash
Requirements: Black Flames 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 20 damage, +8 per Mastery level, Defense break, +5 second of Black Flames damage

Red Eyes Raven Genjutsu
Requirements: Raven 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage + 8 per Mastery level

Red Eyes Teleporter Sun
Requirements: Teleporter 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage + 15 per Mastery level, weakened vision, stunned NPCs

Red Eyes Intangible
Requirements: Intangible 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: Interdimensional travel with 20% damage boost

Hellish Shock Meteor
Requirements: Meteor 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: damage 20, +18 per Mastery level, +2 seconds of fire damage, Defense break

Red Eyes Amaterasu Spike
Requirements: Black Flames 15, Quest: Friends
Effect: 10 damage per hit, +2 Mastery level, 5 seconds of Black Flames damage

Red Eyes Genjutsu Ult
Requirements: Raven 20, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage + 12 per Mastery level

Red Eyes Teleporter Ult
Requirements: Teleporter 20, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage, +15 per Mastery level

Intangible Raikir i
Requirements: Intangible 20, Quest: Friends
Effect: damage 500, +20 per Mastery level, 10% of target's total life, Defense break.

Yasaka Magatama
Requirements: Meteor 20, Quest: Friends)
Effect: +6 per Mastery level, Defense break

Red Eyes Amaterasu Ult
Requirements: Black Flames 20, Quest: Friends
Effect: 50 damage, +25 Mastery level, 20 seconds of Black Flames damage

Scarlet Skeleton
Requirements: Raven 15-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From 20% Vitality to 45% Vitality + 50 damage (+1 per Mastery level)

Carmine Skeleton
Requirements: Teleporter 15 to 50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From 20% Vitality to 45% Vitality + 50 damage per hit + 1 per Mastery level

Sky Skeleton
Requirements: Intangible 15-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From 20% Vitality to 45% Vitality, 50 damage per hit, +1 per Mastery level

Crimson Skeleton
Requirements: Meteor 15-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From 20% Vitality to 45% Vitality + 50 damage per hit + 1 per Mastery level

Ruby Skeleton
Requirements: Black Flames 15-50, Quest: Friends
Effect: From 20% Vitality to 45% Vitality + 50 damage (+ 1 per Mastery level)

This concludes our article on all Clan moves in Ninja Times listed and explained. Agora que você sabe como lidar com todas as habilidades de clã, confira nossos códigos de tempo ninja , reivindique -os e comece sua missão com vários impulsionamentos logo de cara.