수백만의 최신 Android 앱, 게임, 음악, 영화, TV, 책, 잡지 등을 즐기십시오. 언제 어디서나 장치를 가로 질러.
[ Sing Sing Together Free ]
- Days of the Week
- Eensy Weensy Spider
- 안녕히 가세요
- Head and Shoulders
- 안녕하세요
- Here We Go round the Mulberry Bush
Sing Sing Together has the following features:
1. Make English amusing to first time learners
2. Provide opportunity to practice listening and reading
sills through many songs and rhythmic actions
3. For first time preschool and elematary school aged
English learners
4. For English learners who need various activities
including chants and songs
1. Opportunity to sing and dance along with cute 3D video
2. Consists many famous children's songs that children of
all age groups can enjoy and sing along
3. An excellent way to learn English for the first time in a
fun and easy manner
※ Sing Sing Together All List
[ Season1 ]
1. ABC song
2. Bingo
3. Days of the Week
4. Eensy Weensy Spider
5. Good-bye
6. Head and Shoulders
7. Hello
8. Here We Go round the Mulberry Bush
9. Hockey Pockey
10.Im a Little Teapot.
[ Season2 ]
1. London Bridge
2. One Little Finger
3. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
4. Sally Go round the Sun
5. Skip to My Lou
6. The Farmer in the Dell
7. The Finger Family
8. The Muffin Man
9. Walking, Walking
10.Whats this?
[ Season3 ]
1. Boom De Ah Da
2. Boys and Girls, Come out to Play
3. Found a Peanut
4. Hes Got You and Me
5. Hickory, Dickory Dock
6. If Youre Happy
7. John Jacob Thats My Name
8. Little Peter Rabbit
9. Over in the Meadow
10.Pease Porridge Hot
[ Season4 ]
1. P***y Cat, P***y Cat
2. Rain, Rain, Go Away
3. Shake Your Body
4. Six Little Ducks
5. Skidamarinka
6. The Bus
7. The Little Frog Song
8. The Rainbow
9. This Old Man
10.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
[ Season5 ]
1. Down by the Bay
2. Down by the Station
3. Lazy Mary
4. Marry Had a Little Lamb
5. Musical Chairs
6. Old Macdonald Had a Farm
7. Polly Put the Kettle on
8. Pop Goes the Weasel
9. Ring Around the Rosy
10.The Finger Band
[ Season6 ]
1. The People Say
2. This is the Way
3. This Little Pig
4. Aladdins Happy Year
5. Cinderella in the World of Shapes
6. Going to the Beach
7. Goldilocks and Sports
8. Good Job, Mr. Puss
9. Good Ugly Duckling
10.Gullivers Travels
[ Season7 ]
1. Hide and Seek
2. I Can Fix It
3. Jack and the Giant
4. Look at the Safari Park
5. Lost Snow White
6. My Messy Room
7. My Tiny Red Teddy
8. No, Phinoccho
9. Planting the Seed
10.Saving the Sleeping Princess
[ Season8 ]
1. Seven Kids and a Special Day
2. Sinbads New Friends
3. The Ants and the Grasshoppers
4. The Balls
5. The Big Family
6. The Bremantown Band
7. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
8. The Fat Gingerbread Man
9. The Magic Pan
10.The Napping Thumbnail
11.The Three Goats and a Troll
12.Twelve Animals Clothes
13.Whats the Matter?
다음은 Fortnite 6, 시즌 2의 석재 구조물에 혈장 버스트 레이저를 사용하여 미네랄 샘플을 수집하는 방법입니다.
Fortnite 6 장에서 무법자 퀘스트를 중단하려는 경우 파티와 함께 큰 딜을 돕는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
다음은 Repo의 모든 몬스터의 전체 목록과 게임 내에서 그들을 데려 올 때 어떻게 죽이거나 탈출 할 수 있는지입니다.
Monster Hunter Wilds에서 열풍 파편과 열풍 결정을 얻는 방법이 궁금하다면, 우리는 당신을 덮었습니다.
Arcane Lineage Roblox Game Trello Board 및 Discord Server : Arcane Lineage에 대한 모든 것을 배우고 유효한 코드를 최초로 청구하는 사람이됩니다.
영혼과 검의 세계에서 권력을 추구하는 전사들이 새로운 여정이 시작됩니다. Hollow Era는 Bleach의 우주에서 영감을 얻은 Roblox의 RPG입니다.
저희 웹사이트에서 Sing Sing Together Free의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!