Connect with the people around you - Local news, stories and jokes
Jodel instantly connects you to your local community. It's a live social media feed, bursting with news, questions, events, confessionals and jokes.
Jodel unites the community around you and gives you the tools to experience everything your city has to offer. Never miss out on what's happening around you again!
Jodel is the place where everyone has a voice, where you can interact with other people near you in meaningful ways. If you need to know about everything 'local' then Jodel is the place to go. You'll always have your finger on the pulse of your town with Jodel in your pocket, get involved with Jodel today!
Jodel is the newest social media craze you're missing out on, putting you in touch with everyone and everything that's worth knowing about near you.
With Jodel , you can:
- Discover in real-time what's happening in your town
- Have fun and enjoy a laugh with your community
- Be yourself without social pressure
- Chat with other Jodel ers nearby, post messages and photos to everyone around you
- Create longer threads to write a story without interruptions
- Vote on posts and decide what your area talks about
- Make new friends and connect with people around you who share your interests
- Get access to student discounts, great offers and know where to find the best burger
- Collect Karma for spreading good vibes
- Easily find and provide useful local information
- Pin content that you want to follow
- Join channels for more tailored content
- Share content you like on other social media platforms
- Confess your secret love affair with chicken nuggets (ooh baby!)
A Jodel is a post/message shared on the Jodel app. It is visible to all those using the app in your vicinity. A Jodel er is a user of the Jodel app, someone who likes to post/interact with content and keeps an eye on the health of her / his community.
Become a Jodel er today and you'll learn more about life in your local community with access to the news and events that matter to your town. 중요한 뉴스 휴식으로 알림을받을 수 있으며, 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 가장 먼저 알고 있으며 현지 일기 예보 및 경고를 계속 알고있을 수 있습니다.
Find local events, jobs and announcements in your area, discover everything that's going on in your town in one simple to use app. Share your personal stories with your Jodel friends! Be your original and unique self, share your own amazing thoughts.
Jodel has one simple aim, it's all about encouraging people to connect and interact with each other locally in meaningful ways. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, what matters is what you have to say. This is a place where you'll find lots of new stuff to love as you get to know your community. We aspire for our communities to be helpful and friendly so that everybody here can have a good time with #GoodVibesOnly !
그건 그렇고 ... Jodel "요들"으로 발음됩니다! 이름이 어디에서 왔는지 궁금하다면, 우리는이 성능을 살펴 보는 것이 좋습니다.)
Jodel is:
Positive and friendly: Jodel ers are always positive and nice to each other. Good vibes only! Helpful and supportive: Jodel ers help each other out. Do good and may the Karma be with you!
Colorful and diverse: Our different colors represent the diversity of people and topics in our community. We celebrate and embrace diversity. 다양성은 삶의 향신료입니다.
Respectful and human: Remember that Jodel is meaningful social media, you are interacting with real people, not just a screen. Treat others the way you want to be treated: friendly and with respect.
Original and creative: Be your original and unique self, share your own amazing thoughts. We value creativity and new ideas. Just be yourself!
Jodel ahuiiitiii: Never ever underestimate the importance of having fun together. Don't take life too seriously, smile and enjoy the ride.
새로운 Capcom Game Monster Hunter Wilds에서 끔찍한 짐승 Rompopolo를 잠금 해제, 제치 및 포착하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
Ebony Odogaron은 수년 동안 폐허가 버려 졌음에도 불구하고 여전히 Monster Hunter Wilds의 외부인으로부터 Wyveria의 폐허를 보호합니다.
혹독한 알파 도샤 푸마가 마을을 공격했으며, 몬스터 헌터 와일드에서 더 많은 피해를 입히기 전에 그것을 사냥해야합니다.
다음은 다양한 방법으로 Arcane Lineage에서 레이스를 다시 말하는 방법과 게임의 각 클래스에 가장 적합한 경주를하는 방법입니다.
당신은 결국 룬 슬레이어에서 대부분의 퀘스트를 시작하지만, 일부는지도의 비밀 부분에 숨겨져 있으며이 장소를 파헤쳐 야합니다.
저희 웹사이트에서 Jodel의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!