This ghost detector is a required radar app for any ghost hunters arsenal
This ghost detector is a required radar app for any ghost hunters arsenal !
haunted house ? ghost stories ? paranormal activity ?
"…amazing creepy results and hours of fun..."
준비 되었습니까?
Turn off the lights and launch this app.
For the first time we've applied complex algorithms in an attempt to reach 'the other side'. This app takes inbound multiple readings then generates reciprocal signals and sends them out! 부산물은 믿어야합니다.
What causes the results?
Could it be ghosts?
To use the app, place your left index finger over the pan & scan radar . Pay attention to the commands at the upper left. Review the back scatter noise on the middle-right side of screen. Then, wait for the red response.
Become a paranormal detective and explore your area. Now you can be the ghost hunter and find paranormal activity with this paranormal detector . Where are your paranormal "hotspots"? While using the app note any strange noises or moving objects.
This ghost detector is a required app for any ghost hunters arsenal!
Will you find a haunted house ?
Share your ghost stories
이 앱은 엔터테인먼트 목적으로 만 사용됩니다. We do not guarantee paranormal activities that you detect using this app.This app does not provide true Ghost Communication functionality.
부인 성명:
이 앱의 제작자는이 앱의 사용으로 인한 결과에 대해 책임을 질 수 없습니다.
책임감있게 사용하십시오!
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첫 번째 목표 : 다이!
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메가 이벤트가 켜져 있습니다!
저희 웹사이트에서 Ghost Communicator FREE Radar의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!