Try Elixir 2 widgets!
This application is an add-on for Elixir 2 but it can use as a standalone application too. Widgets makes it possible to put higly configurable widgets to your home screens.
- multiple widget sizes, each can be disabled
- small widget icons, up to 7*7 icons per screen.
- widget performance screen
- customize widget icons by icon packs
- various widget backgrounds, changeable transparency
- various icon sizes
- change label position/color/size, hide labels
- backup/restore widget definitions
- change image, label, refresh rate of widget types
Widget icon types:
- application launcher
- recent application (dynamic)
- contact
- shortcut: bookmark, contact, setting, ...
- battery
- battery current
- battery temperature
- battery time
- battery voltage
- internal storage
- external storage
- cpu usage
- cpu frequency
- cpu usage * frequency
- memory
- running/recent applications/processes count
- e-mail unread count: gmail or any imap server
- missed calls count
- messages unread count
- bookmarks, history
- waktu
- uptime
- tanggal
- next alarm
- mobile signal strength
- mobile traffic
- wifi signal strength
- wifi traffic
- wifi name
- wifi link speed
Widget toggles:
- cpu governor
- profile
- mobile data
- mobile network (2G/3G/4G) - opens settings
- apn
- apn selector
- data roaming
- wimax (4g)
- wifi
- wifi selector
- wifi ap (hotspot)
- bluetooth (2 or 3 state)
- bluetooth tethering
- nfc - opens settings
- gps
- airplane mode
- auto-brightness
- brightness (can set levels)
- auto-rotate
- kunci
- screen timeout (can set levels, keep screen on)
- screen off
- screen filter
- screen orientation
- wallpaper
- auto-sync
- sync all
- background data
- speakerphone
- ringer mode
- vibrate
- haptic feedback (vibrate on touch in ics)
- Nada dering
- sd mount
- sd refresh
- usb mass storage
- flash (needs TeslaLED Flashlight)
- bisu
- clear cache
- reboot (for rooted devices, normal/recovery/bootloader/shutdown)
- usb debugging
- stay awake (with wake lock)
- refresh widget
- locale
- volume
- volume profile selector
Bahasa: Bahasa Inggris, Magyar, рсский, Deutsch, ελληνικά, Polski, Español, český, 正體中文, yкраїнський, Italiano, Slovenčina, 日本語, 한국의
This is a free, ad-supported application. If you donate:
- ads will be removed
- set custom label color for every widget icon, on/off/unread/missed icon states
You can donate by buying the Elixir 2 - Donation Key application or you can make a donation from my web site or from the application.
Contact: [email protected]
Site: http://bartat.hu
Translation: http://crowdin.net/project/elixir
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elixir.for.android
Jika Anda bertanya -tanya bagaimana cara membuka kunci semua mantra di bidang Mistria, kami telah membantu Anda. Inilah yang perlu Anda ketahui.
Sebarkan sayap Anda yang masih muda dan melambung ke langit dengan bantuan kode simulator balap sayap terbang terbaru.
Karakter tak terkalahkan lainnya adalah bersiap untuk bergabung dengan Battle Royale. Inilah cara membuka kunci kulit Dupli-Kate di Fortnite.
Merekrut karakter favorit Anda dan meningkatkannya ke maksimal dengan bantuan yang tak terkalahkan terbaru: menjaga kode Globe.
Jika ingin menyelam langsung ke MLB pertunjukan 25 dan mulai memukul Dingers, berikut adalah pengaturan memukul terbaik untuk game baru.
Simpan dunia dari tirani sekali lagi, dan jangan lupa untuk menebus kode kronik ETE pada pencarian Anda untuk kebebasan!
Di situs web kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengunduh versi terbaru Elixir 2 - Widgets! Tidak perlu registrasi atau SMS!