Tough MMO strategy with realtime co-op raids and clan wars.
Tactical Military Strategy
- Team raids on bases of other players
- Find vulnerable spots in enemy's defense to seize resources
- Use gestures to control vectors of attack during the battle
- Play on your phone, tablet or computer
Epic story - The Bloody Age of Chaos
You will immediately find yourself in a large-scale battle. Tal Ecthelion intends to win power over the world. This is a battle for the throne between the merciless emperor's legion of the Empire of Fear and the king of free lords of Aestus.
You will witness the triumph of evil. You'll feel the fury of a battle. You'll see through the eyes of General Tal Ecthelion the towers of the Thousands of Kings Castle crumbling under the guns of your army. You will see the horror in the eyes of the lords, knights and soldiers, when you come to the throne. Feel the universe trembling when the civilization enters a new era - an era of your board.
Rules of war always remain the same. Revolution never brings peace and prosperity. The feudal lords, who sworn allegiance to the new master, started their own game. Numerous guerrillas suddenly got armed with the best weapons. The Empire lost almost all battles for islands, and now there formed first bases of resistance. A few punitive expeditions didn't adjust the conflict. The series of bloody fights between clans, minor thrones, heroes and monsters, which went down in history as the War of 200 years.
Here begins your adventure. You are a descendant of one of the lords. You'll face hard adventures, quests and missions on your way to return lost influence. What legacy will you leave behind?
Besides the Emperor there are lots of other problems and the most crucial of them are other players. Ils veulent également conquérir le pouvoir, mais ils ont besoin de ressources et de minéraux pour la construction de forteresses, donc ils ne se soucient pas de piller les camps impériaux ou votre base minière paisible.
Unite your allies and go to the epic raids on the fortified imperial forts. Coordinate strategy of troops' landing by chatting and play as a team. Together you will turn the enemy's fortress in ruins.
Use gestures to coordinate attacks in real time.
Make up your army. In the barracks you can hire destroyers, marksmen, foot soldiers, trolls, healers and others. Large arsenal of tactical methods: rush assault, taking enemy on the flank and deceptive maneuvers. Use magic spells and destroy all or just loot the treasury and quietly leave? Le choix vous appartient!
Towers, walls and cannons defend the city and make it an impregnable island. Hide your treasury and resource storages deep into your base. Build turrets, set mines and traps around them.
Your castle is not a peaceful village that can be easily plundered by any impostor, but a fortified fortress, a citadel. Defensive guns will punish the thieves who want to steal your resources.
Make your character stronger, improve him. Arm him with the best weapons and enjoy watching him destroying walls, defeating opponents one by one and breaking into enemy's town hall.
Friends and allies create clans. Strategic unions give rise to alliances. Use diplomacy to make joint raids with other guild on your common rivals. The strongest conquers the territory.
Capitals are fortified clan bases. Pendant le siège, les ondes de trois assaillants visent à détruire la mairie, tandis que les forces défendantes repoussent les attaques en temps réel: réparer et renforcer leurs murs et frapper les ennemis avec des sorts de tours.
Gagner le siège vous fera maître du territoire, mais ne vous excitez pas trop tôt à ce sujet, car un autre clan a probablement des plans pour ce territoire, et bien que la guerre ne soit pas encore déclarée ... Mon seigneur, le combat est inévitable.
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