Keep track of your padel americano tournament
Did you try to play Americano with you Padel-friends? It's awesome!
This app will help you to organize your Americano tournament.
Il vous suffit de saisir des informations de base comme les noms des joueurs, le nombre de terrains sur lesquels vous jouez et le nombre de points à partir de laquelle vous jouez. The app fixes the rest.
All matches are set up for all the rounds necessary for all players to play together with everyone.
The app now support 6 different kinds of Americanos. You can play;
Normal Americano - All players plays one time with every player
Americano mixte - Chaque tour est joué avec une femme et un homme dans chaque équipe, vous jouez jusqu'à ce que toutes les femmes aient joué dans la même équipe que tous les hommes.
Team Americano - You play as a team, you play until every team has played 1 time against every team
Mexicano - A fun form of play with the premise that the matches should be as even as possible. The first match is drawn for the participants. After that, the matches are based on the scoreboard.
Team Mexicano - Like Mexicano but with fixed teams!
Super Mexicano - Like Mexicano but you can get extra points the closer to the leader-court you are.
You can configure how many super-points you should get, and from what round it should happen.
- Max 24 players
- Max 16 players in the mix
- Max 16 teams in team americano
The app works for odd (divided by 4) number of participants but the structure will not be so satisying if you are more than 9
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