Classic card game "Pyramid Solitaire" free.
Classic card game "Pyramid Solitaire" free.
Language : english, french, spanih
You need to remove all of the cards from the pyramid.
Reveal cards from the draw pile, one, two or three at a time. If a card from the draw pile is not used, it should be covered up by the next card from the draw pile. It can be used later in the game, but only if it gets uncovered because any draw pile cards on top of it are able to be discarded.
When two exposed cards total 13, they can be discarded (This is the reason that Pyramid Solitaire is sometimes referred to as Solitaire 13).
NOTE: Discarding is always optional, and there may be times when it is a better tactical choice not to discard.
Cards in the pyramid are "exposed" if no cards are overlapping them. Solo una carta de la pila de sorteo está "expuesta" en un momento dado del juego (es decir, la carta de pila de dibujo más reciente que se enciende es la única carta de la pila de dibujo que está "expuesta").
EXAMPLES: If a 9 and a 4 are both exposed in the pyramid, they can be discarded. If a 5 is exposed in the pyramid and an 8 is exposed after being turned up from the draw pile, they can be discarded.
Cards values :
King = 13 (Discard himself)
Qeen = 12
Jack = 11
Ace = 1
Other cards had nomal value.
NDeck Pyramid Solitaire is a good way to pass time. The parts are shorts and "solitaire" are very addictive games.
NDeck Pyramid Solitaire lets you play with the rules you like best:
- Pick cards from 1 to 3
- End if you need to complete just the pyramid or if you need to complete the pyramid and the pile.
- Number of possible redraws
- Color Helper
Music is Copyrighted to Peter John Ross, sonnyboo.com
Version 1.9.3 :
correcting background on certain devices
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