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Todos los monstruos de Monster Hunter Wilds revelaron hasta ahora

Autor: Anónimo Fecha de actualización: 2025-03-29

The Forbidden Lands in Monster Hunter Wilds promises an abundance of exciting new and familiar monsters for hunters to track down and conquer. If you want to know what to expect here are all monsters revealed so far.

Tabla de contenido

  • All Monsters Found in Monster Hunter Wilds
    • Ajarakan
    • Arkveld
    • Balahara
    • Ceratonoth
    • Chatacabra
    • Congalala
    • Dalthydon
    • Doshaguma
    • Gravios
    • Gore Magala
    • Gypceros
    • Hirabami
    • Lala Barina
    • Nerscylla
    • Nu Udra
    • Quematrice
    • Rampopolo
    • Rathalos
    • Rathian
    • Rey Dau
    • Uth Duna
    • Yian kut-ku

All Monsters Found in Monster Hunter Wilds

A continuación se muestra una lista alfabética de los monstruos que se encuentran actualmente en Monster Hunter Wilds, incluidos los recién llegados, así como los monstruos recurrentes de entregas anteriores en la franquicia. This list will be promptly updated with the game's release as more of the full roster is revealed along with their detailed stats.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Oilwell Basin
  • Monster Type: Fanged Beast
  • Element: Fire

Ajarakan is a Fanged Beast monster that moves akin to a monkey and is best characterized by the cascading flame-like protrusions along its back. Es magníficamente rápido, ágil y agresivo en sus ataques, centrándose en ataques de magma en llamas, golpes físicos y arrojar rocas en llamas a sus oponentes. It will also scale walls with ease and launch attacks from high above.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Extinct; Flying Wyvern(?)
  • Element: Dragon

Apodado por otros cazadores como el "White Wraith", Arkveld es un monstruo único de tipo Wyvern que puede ser capaz de volar con sus alas garras, pero de lo contrario es excepcionalmente ágil en el suelo. It prefers to use its wing chains for whip-like striking attacks at its foes and constricting them within its tendrils.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Leviathan
  • Element: Water

Balahara is a Leviathan-type monster that swims through the sands of the Windward Plains in pursuit of its prey. It specializes in quicksand traps, can cling to walls, and sometimes works together in larger numbers to bring down larger monsters. Balahara's main element is water and it uses that to wield mud-style projectile attacks.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Herbivore
  • Element: TBD

El Ceratonoth es una criatura de tipo herbívoro ubicada principalmente en las llanuras de barlovento, que se asemeja fuertemente a un pangolín aparte de los tres grandes picos a lo largo de su espalda. They are inherently docile in nature and are often found in larger packs.

Si bien lento y relativamente vulnerable, aún pueden usar los picos en la espalda para realizar ataques eléctricos como un movimiento defensivo contra los depredadores.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Amphibian
  • Element: TBD

El Chatacabra es un gran monstruo anfibio que usa su lengua fuerte y su saliva adhesiva para agarrar bloques de piedra y fortalecer sus extremidades para ataques más poderosos. Its tongue is also used for other whip-like attacks while it charges hunters with its mouth wide open for dangerous bites.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Fanged Beast
  • Element: Fire
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter 2

Congalala is a Fanged Beast-type monster similar to a monkey in physical appearance. Si bien aún no se sabe si sus rasgos de comportamiento cambiarán en Monster Hunter Wilds, son inherentemente dóciles y prefieren mezclarse con otros animales herbívoros. However, they can become wildly aggressive when threatened.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest
  • Monster Type: Herbivore
  • Element: None

Dalthydons are Herbivore-type creatures found roaming the Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest in small groups, often with their young. They are not predominantly aggressive except when attacked.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest
  • Monster Type: Fanged Beast
  • Element: TBD

The Doshaguma is an incredibly territorial and aggressive Fanged Beast monster that can be found alone or patrolling in packs. Si bien la situación ideal es encontrarlos solo, también realizarán ataques en grupos, ya sea hacia cazadores o depredadores más grandes en el área.

They specialize in swiping claw attacks and powerful bites with their fangs. In addition, they'll sometimes throw the corpses of their prey at their foes.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Flying Wyvern
  • Element: Fire
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter G, Monster Hunter Freedom

Gravios is a massive Flying Wyvern-type monster with a body that's covered in stone-like armor, giving it enhanced defense from attacks. Due to its size and weight, it's not as nimble as other wyvern monsters and its flight capabilities are more limited.

Gore Magala

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Elder Dragon
  • Element: Earth
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter 4 (Ultimate), Monster Hunter Generations, Monster Hunter Rise

Gore Magala es un monstruo único de tipo dragón de élder con seis extremidades y sin ojos, lo que significa que tiene que confiar en dispersar sus escalas similares a polen para detectar presas o depredadores en las cercanías. It wields a dangerous substance called the Frenzy Virus and specializes in slash and grapple attacks.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Bird Wyvern
  • Element: None; can inflict Poison
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter G, Monster Hunter Freedom

The Gypceros is a large Bird Wyvern-type enemy that uses the crest on its head to emit disorienting flashes to confuse foes. It also features a shock-resistant hide while its tail remains vulnerable to damage, particularly fire. At the same time, it can disperse globs of poison to infect its target.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Iceshard Cliffs
  • Monster Type: Leviathan
  • Element: Ice

Hirabami is a Leviathan-type monster that can levitate in midair by using a wind-catching membrane on its neck. Otherwise, it will often hang from rock arches or cave ceilings with its short clawed arms. It specializes in ice attacks, usually hurling projectiles at its targets. It can also be found in packs of three.

Lala Barina

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Scarlet Forest
  • Monster Type: Temnoceran
  • Element: TBD; Capable of Paralysis

Lala Barina es un monstruo de tipo Temnoceran que se parece mucho a un arácnido con seis patas y un tórax esponjoso que se asemeja a una rosa roja vibrante cuando se vuelve agresiva. Further embracing its arachnid characteristics, it wields a scarlet-colored silk during its attacks. It can be used to immobilize its foes or inflict damage along with claw and fang attacks.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Temnoceran
  • Element: None; can inflict Poison
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter 4 (Ultimate), Monster Hunter Generations

Nerscylla is a Temnoceran-type monster that resembles an arachnid in appearance, though it only has four legs. It brandishes long front claws and strong fangs, along with spikes along its back made of crystallized poison. It's capable of spinning webs quickly with its silk that is incredibly durable and tough to break free of.

Nu Udra

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Oilwell Basin
  • Monster Type: TBD; resembles an octopus
  • Element: Fire

El Nu Udra es un monstruo masivo similar a un pulpo que acecha en la cuenca Oilwell, es el depredador de ápice de la región, y generalmente aparece durante el evento ambiental del fuego. It often uses its tentacles for grappling attacks, trapping hunters in its grasp while it uses oil-based fire attacks. It can also burrow underground or squeeze through crevices to ambush or otherwise escape.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Brute Wyvern
  • Element: Fire

The Quematrice is an incredibly mobile Brute Wyvern monster that specializes in harnessing the flammable oil that erupts from its tail. Anything it touches can ignite instantly and the monster will further use that to create sweeping fire attacks towards its opponents.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Oilwell Basin
  • Monster Type: Brute Wyvern
  • Element: TBD; Can inflict Poison

Rampopolo is a Brute Wyvern-type monster that resides in the depths of the Oilwell Basin. Con una apariencia extraña para un Wyvern, una de sus características más definitorias es su pico de proboses que revela una lengua larga capaz de ataques de látigo peligrosos. Its body also contains numerous sacs filled with poisonous gas that it can unleash on its foes.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Flying Wyvern
  • Element: Fire
  • Previous Appearance: Every generation of Monster Hunter up to Monster Hunter Wilds

Rathalos is the quintessential mascot of and the most recognizable monster in the entire Monster Hunter franchise. Un monstruo volador de tipo Wyvern y la contraparte masculina de Rathian, es una bestia temible que blande ráfagas de ataques proyectiles de fuego, así como ataques envenenales con la cola.


Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: TBD
  • Monster Type: Flying Wyvern
  • Element: Fire
  • Previous Appearance: Every generation of Monster Hunter up to Monster Hunter Wilds

Rathian is a Flying Wyvern-type monster that is the female counterpart to Rathalos, the most iconic monster of the series. She brandishes many attacks similar to Rathalos', including flame projectiles from her mouth and poisonous barbs from her club-like tail.

Rey Dau

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Windward Plains
  • Monster Type: Flying Wyvern
  • Element: Lightning

Rey Dau is the apex predator of the Windward Plains and most of its abilities focus on harnessing lightning. Su apariencia a menudo coincide con las tormentas de arena, ya que usa el aire lleno de electricidad para ejercer ataques usando sus cuernos como conducto.

Uth Duna

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Scarlet Forest
  • Monster Type: Leviathan
  • Element: Water

The Uth Duna is a Leviathan-type reptile monster that patrols the Scarlet Forest as its apex predator. The best time to encounter it is during the region's heavy downpours when the rivers rise, giving it an environmental advantage. Along with being dangerously fast in higher waters, Uth Duna harnesses water-element attacks to stun hunters and mitigate their damage.

Yian kut-ku

Imagen de Capcom
  • Location: Scarlet Forest
  • Monster Type: Bird Wyvern
  • Element: Fire
  • Previous Appearance: Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter G, Monster Hunter Freedom

The Yian Kut-ku is a Bird Wyvern-type monster most recognizable by its striking ear frills and large underbite bill. Thanks to its slim body it's capable of moving exceptionally fast and its ear frills give it a heightened sense of hearing. Its attacks focus on flame projectiles from the sac in its mouth, and they are often found in packs in the Scarlet Forest.

That concludes all Monster Hunter Wilds monsters revealed so far. Be sure to check out all of the latest news and guides for the game here at site, including all pre-order bonuses you get with the game.