Record and remember your sexual activities
This app is designed for controlling your sexual life; que puede tener propósitos médicos o de recuerdo. This app consists of the following sections:
1. Registros de sexo (sección principal): en la que ingresa la fecha y la hora del orgasmo sexual y opcionalmente el nombre del enamoramiento, las descripciones y el lugar específico.
2. Crushes: in which you list your crushes by name and their birth date so you'll be notified in their birthday.
3. Summary: which help you know which person you've liked more than the others.
4. Total, Popularity and Growth Chart: which describe all or some of the data in a visual method.
5. Recency: which helps you know which crush you don't like anymore and somehow you've forgotten them!
6. Places: in which you list the places you have had any sexual activity and lets you see which places you've had the most sexual activities in.
7. Estimación: también puede adivinar en qué períodos de tiempo tuvo un cierto tipo de actividad sexual y qué tan frecuentes estaban, dónde no estaban y otras descripciones.
* We'll never upload, collect or share any of the data you input in this app. This app has no related back-end server or website to be able to collect data.
* You can export all of the data inside a JSON file and save it somewhere safe, and import them again later if you want.
* Sus datos serán respaldados si realiza una copia de seguridad del sistema, y en el caso de una transferencia de dispositivo, la transmisión de sus datos solo será posible si sus datos están encriptados en tránsito.
* You can delete your entire data or settings whenever you want by going to the "Settings" section in the menu.
Otras características:
* You can specify a date since when all your related data will appear in the charts and the Summary, and the earlier records will be ignored. Just go to "Settings" and modify "Statisticise since" field.
* This app supports both Gregorian and Persian calendars.
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¡En nuestro sitio web puedes descargar fácilmente la última versión de Sex Tracker! ¡No es necesario registrarse ni enviar SMS!