Road to IELTS is your best possible online preparation resource for IELTS.
*Note that this app requires an xlarge screen (960dp x 720dp). It is suitable for tablets but NOT for phones.
Road to IELTS is the official online IELTS preparation app, carefully prepared by the British Council.
Hasta 300 ejercicios interactivos, videos de asesoramiento de expertos del Consejo Británico, sugerencias y consejos sobre tipos de preguntas, así como pruebas simuladas descargables, hacen que Road to IELTS su mejor aplicación de preparación en línea posible para IELTS. Note that this app requires an xlarge screen (960dp x 720dp). It is suitable for tablets but NOT for phones.
The app extensively explores each of the four skills tested in IELTS through these four key elements:
1. Starting out eBooks explain the task types and tell you how to achieve the best marks on test day.
2. Tips and advice given through tutorial videos by British Council experts
3. Interactive Practice zone activities that focus on the various question types appearing in IELTS.
4. Full mock tests to help familiarise you with exam formats.
Road to IELTS is available in three versions:
- FREE Test Drive for small amounts of test preparation
- Last Minute for those who have booked IELTS with the British Council and can use their email address to log in
- Full Version for those who attend an institution that subscribes to Road to IELTS (and soon to be available as a full app in this store!)
Download this app to succeed in IELTS today!
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
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