Metro+ offers the best information about Metro de Madrid, EMT buses and transits
The most powerful app for finding the best route in Madrid (now also best Metro routes for several cities). Metro+ will make it easy for you: Metro Madrid, bus networks,.... Metro+ offers excelent information so that you cannot get lost. Besides, the "Total route" option collects all public transport obtaining the best itineray, even with walking instructions. You will be always supported by text and maps with a very user-friendly interface and providing the best user experience. Always up-2-date with downloadable DBs.
Las características principales son:
- Metro (several cities):
. Fast math calculations in order to find the best route between 2 stations. You can choose among several Metro networks: Madrid, Barcelona, New York, London, Paris, Rome, etc.... " Metro+ " shows you the aprox. time to complete the route. Nearest Metro station search (not for all Metro maps).
The best route is calculated on the Metro plan tapping both stations (start and destination) or selecting them from the menu "Route". This section has got its own favourites and the best route can also be viewed on a list.
This option does not requiere Internet.
- Metro de Madrid:
. Best route within the Metro de Madrid network. Just select start and end station, time and date (optional) and Metro+ will provide the best itineray. You can add favourites and widgets.
. Network status (+widget), disruptions and news
. 1 way fare
. Map that shows your location and all Metro de Madrid stations. Tocando una estación, Metro+ le muestra la distancia entre usted y la estación seleccionada más información adicional, como imágenes, etc., también puede ingresar una dirección postal o POI y la distancia se calcularía entre esta ubicación ingresada y la estación. Opcional: Metro+ puede alertarlo con notificaciones de alertas de proximidad utilizando vibración, LED y notificación de texto cuando se acerque a la estación (100 m.) O se aleja de esta radiografía.
. List of stations in 10 km. radious from your location. You can tap a Metro station for more info.
. List of all Metro lines (including Metro Ligero and Metro Sur). Tap a station for info.
. Fares
. Official maps
- Widgets: best route & lines status
- Cercanías (local trains):
. Official Renfe Cercanías app built-in in Metro+ : timetable, best route, disruptions, news... (for Madrid and other spanish cities).
- Madrid EMT buses:
. List of all EMT lines, schematic departure & return maps with itinerary and timetable. Also the paths on a Google map
. Waiting times: Provided in real time for all the bus stops (thousands). Just enter the code/number stop and Metro+ will indicate what (line and destination) bus is next that is approaching. You can add favourites, view the picture of the stop, etc... Also you can see the selected stop on a map with traffic status. If you tap on the bus icon, Metro+ shows you the distance between you and the stop. If you enter a postal address or POI, the distance will be between this location and the stop. Optional: Notification of proximity alert when approaching the selected bus stop (100 m).
. EMT disruptions.
- Widget: waiting times for all stops.
. List that shows the nearest bus stops from your location (3 km.) + info of every stop.
. Map & all bus stops + info.
- Los autobuses urbanos (con los próximos tiempos de llegada y también widget) de localidades dentro de la "Comunidad de Madrid" como Móstoles, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Alcobendas, etc.
- Suburban buses:
. All lines & maps, itinerary and timetable.
. Complete Info of every line.
. Next arrival times (also widget)
. Disruptions.
- Total route:
. Best route between two locations taking into account different public transports, waking, etc. You can add favourites and widgets from here. Also you can check the route on a map. Total route is the ultimate way to get the best and fastest route.
- widget
- Map with bicycle lanes in Madrid.
- Spanish & English.
- Link to " Metro+ " chat (Social network & Community for " Metro+ " users).
- Lost and Found section
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