Eventsential es la aplicación móvil oficial para sus eventos.
Eventsential es la aplicación móvil oficial para sus eventos. Before, during, and after the event, you'll have exclusive access to everything you need to amplify your event experience. Eventsential supports syncing across multiple devices, so you can view your selections across your smartphone and tablet.
The best way to experience Eventsential is to jump in and explore:
• Dashboard — See your schedule/agenda, reminders and event updates
• Timeline — View and swap ideas, photos and lessons learned
• Schedule/Agenda — Search sessions and speakers, create your own itinerary, download handouts, take notes, and make appointments
• Directory — Create your profile and search for and message other attendees/delegates
• Exhibitors/Sponsors — Search, filter, mark companies to visit, contact and take notes
• Maps — View floorplans, exhibit hall maps and city maps
• Notebook — Take session and exhibitor/sponsor notes and export to share or reference later
• Notifications — Receive important event announcements and updates
• Twitter — Engage with others by viewing and posting to the event stream
• Custom Menu Items — Access destination information, complete surveys, and more
Custom Menu Items — Access destination information, complete surveys, and more
For app administrators, Eventsential provides:
• Branding — Manage your app logos/icons, colors, features, and menu text to meet your specific needs
• Portal de backoffice: administre toda la marca y contenido de aplicaciones a través de un portal web receptivo completo con tutoriales y recursos de marketing "Cómo"
• Revenue Generation — Leverage paid ad banners, push notifications, and beacon opportunities to pay for your app and generate revenue
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