Monster Demon Dash is so FUN and ENJOYABLE to play
Monster Demon Dash is an awesome and coolest jumping and shooting game strategy game. Jump and jump with the angel do not hit the monster as it will haunt the angel dash later.
Monster Demon Dash is the latest outstanding and exciting games in the android google playstore. It is so exciting as it involves jumping and shooting. Its just so fun and enjoyable. Try the monster game out today and jump and dash again and again with the angel while you are on the go.
Monster Demon Dash Exciting features:
# Additive & challenges with endless FUN!
# High Definition 3D -Grafiken, die vom App Game Master betrieben werden.
# Simple but fun one touch jumping and shooting game
# Unlock different powerful monster items and boosters to help you dash a HIGH SCORE!
# Very fast paced jump with jump zombie game with the angel with great dash graphics.
# Jump up the level with the Monster Demon Dash and make sure the area is safe.
# Watch your move before you hit the monster demon and the angel will die in a painful death.
# Einfach zu spielen, aber Herausforderung für den Meister!
# Challenging mission and achievements.
# More levels and zombie game with level dash coming soon...
# Continuos gameplay and non stop exciting!
# Amazing graphics & characters
How to play Monster Demon Dash :
1. Tap and move the angel and and make sure you jump and jump over the monster demon and make your way collect the bonus points.
2. Jump and jump with the angel and win the game with the heaven as your trophy destination.
3. Don't let the angel hit the monster demon or it will lose their life.
4. You can tap the angel sideways or front or up and down and make sure you jump at the correct angle to earn the points.
Monster Demon Dash ist ein kostenloses Spiel und wir werden es von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisieren, um weiter zu beenden und langlebige Spiele zu verweisen. Bitte werfen Sie einen Blick darauf, wenn wir Ihr Vergnügen zum Spielen all unserer aufregenden Spiele aktualisieren.
Tips: Monster Demon Dash from the pirates will continuously earn points as TD bonus.
Monster Demon Dash is an exiting game and can be played by all age. Erwachsene, Kinder, Brüder, Schwestern, Vater, Mutter, Geschwister, Freunde, Mädchen und Jungen.
Genießen Sie dieses Spiel und teilen Sie es mit Ihren Freunden.
Viel Spaß! Frei zu springen!
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