Lernen Sie mit KI, Karten, Schulnoten, Tests | Klassen, Prüfungs- und Hausaufgabenhilfe
Knowunity is all about YOU. Lernen Sie mit Freunden Chat. Scannen Sie Ihre Fragen und Hausaufgaben und erhalten Sie die Antworten in Sekunden. Kostenlose Studiennotizen von Top -Schülern, kostenlosen Karteikarten und Tests. (1,2m AP Quiz Fragen erwarten!)
Eigentlich in einem sicheren Raum lernen?
Verwirrt über den rechten Winkel in der Geometrie oder kann die Biologie nicht verstehen? The Knowunity study app has you covered. Benötigen Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Gebers? Ja. Anything AP classes related? Natürlich! Mathe Quiz? Uh huh, that too ☄️?
Wir haben die Top -Studiennotizen für alle Fächer und alle Themen in der Schule! Es ist nicht erforderlich, die erstklassigen Zusammenfassungen, Quiz, Flash-Karten und KI-Funktionen zu erwähnen, um Ihnen Zeit bei den Hausaufgaben zu sparen, und Ihnen dabei helfen, die Themen leicht zu verstehen, damit Sie Ihre Prüfungen abhalten können! Meisterschule!
Bessere Noten. Faster learning. All possible with Knowunity . Did we mention it's free? Yes, a FREE study app. Like $0 free. 16+ million students and counting are waiting to help you with your studies!
Stop paying for flashcards made by other high-school students. On Knowunity , you have your pick from flashcards made by other students, by AI, or make them yourself!
Come as you are and you'll have study friends on Knowunity . A study chat about high school geometry has more than 1,000 students in it. A chat about math has more than 500 students. How about a chat for study anxiety? Yeah, that too. Or just create a new study group and build your own study community.
Got lost in that class about polynomial equations? Looking for other APush students? Get easier explanations from students studying the exact same thing. But in a way you can actually understand.
?EVERY SUBJECT in middle school and high school
Mathe. Wissenschaft. Geschichte. Geometrie. Biologie. Should we go on? We mean it: study notes on every subject in middle and high school. You pick the school topic, students on Knowunity can help you with it.
Homework should be about learning, not suffering. Take a photo of your homework (so scan your questions) and get explanations & answers that you can actually understand. Knowunity 's AI Knowalot-Bot quickly guides you to the right answer, if you want the AI Bot can also break it down to you step by step for better understanding. Plus you can always ask the super active learning community for help.
Get 10 points every time you:
- answer someone's school-related question,
- upload a study note, or
- create a flashcard.
?QUIZZES (and they're free)
Not even sure where to start studying for that math quiz? Just put in your school subject and Knowunity has got you covered. Figure out what you need to learn more about and where you've learned just enough. Still not sure? Ask a study group or the AI Knowalot bot for some pointers.
- Upload your study notes, quizzes, flashcards
- Earn points, volunteer hours, merch, donations, and even a letter of recommendation
- Build up your Knowunity profile to lead a community of students
- Help thousands of students improve in school
- Study notes
- Flashcards
- Quizzes
- Study groups
- Homework help with AI scanner & chat
- AI Study Help (SchoolGPT)
- AI Chatbot (SchoolGPT)
- Essay Writer/ Essay Help/Homework Helper (SchoolGPT)
Check out what our users are saying about Knowunity 's study app:
“It's like Chegg and Anki, but offers so much more. My new favorite study app!” Kennedy (18)
" Knowunity has made studying & learning for my classes so much easier" Josh (17)
WE ARE REAL PEOPLE and we want the best for you. Both irl and in app. Send a message that gets read by a human at [support-us@ Knowunity .com](mailto:support-us@ Knowunity .com). Tell us how we can help.
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Das Nummer eins zu werden, das es Mädchen hat, war nie so einfach.
Tag, du bist es!
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