Complete Free Handbook of ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY with Formula, Equation & Diagram
* First year of Engineering Subject App for learning and quick revision on Chemical Chemistry.
* All the important topics like Type of Molecules, Electronegativity, Brag's Law,
Acids and Polymer can be covered in just a minute per topic.
Diese kostenlose App behandelt die wichtigsten Themen in einfachem Englisch und Diagrammen für eine schnelle Studie und Überarbeitungen zum Zeitpunkt der Prüfungen, Viva, Aufgaben und Vorstellungsgespräche. Es ist die nützlichste App für Last -Minute -Vorbereitungen.
The best app for school, college and work. Wenn Sie Schüler sind, hilft es, viel zu lernen.
* Diese technische App enthält alle chemischbezogenen 90 Themen in 5 Kapiteln in einer sehr einfachen und informativen Sprache mit geeigneten Diagrammen, mit denen Ingenieurstudenten gute Noten in Prüfungen erzielen können.
Betrachten Sie diese App als einen Quick Note -Leitfaden, den Professoren in einem Klassenzimmer verwenden. Die App hilft beim schnelleren Lernen und schneller Überarbeitungen aller Themen.
Einige der in der App behandelten Themen sind:
1. Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules
2. Plots of molecular orbital
3. Electronic configurations
4. Energy level diagrams
5. Hybridization in LiF
6. Electronegativity
7. Hybridization in CO
8. Hybridization
9. Overlap diagrams of d-orbitals
10. Solid State Chemistry
11. cubic unit cell
12. Ionic lattices and Lattice Energies
13. X- ray diffractometers
14. Bragg's Law
15. Miller Indices
16. Rationalizing Systematic Absences in Diffraction patterns
17. The Phase Problem
18. Introduction to Band Structure
19. Band structures in insulators, metals and semiconductors
20. Cell Representation and sign convention
21. The Nernst Equation
22. Free energy and EMF
23. Concentration cells
24. Measurement of pH
25. Batteries and fuel cells
26. The fuel cell
27. Electrochemical Corrosion
28. Electrolytic cells
29. Faraday's laws of electrolysis
30. The reaction rate and the rate constant
31. Order and Molecularity
32. Mathematical Formulation of First Order Reaction
33. Third-order kinetics
34. Second-order kinetics
35. Determination of the order of a reaction
36. Reversible reactions
37. The steady state
38. Phase rule
39. Inductive and Resonance Effects
40. Acids and Bases
41. Bases and Nucleophiles
42. Resonance or Mesomerism
43. Resonance Effect or Mesomeric Effect
44. Hyperconjugation
45. Aldol Addition & Condensation Reaction
46. Cannizzaro Reaction
47. Beckmann Rearrangement
48. Diels-Alder Reaction
49. EZ Notation
50. Free Radical Mechanism
51. Classification of Reactions
52. Nucleophilic substitution
53. Optical isomerism
54. RS System of Nomenclature
55. Chirality and Symmetry
56. The Conformation of Butane
57. Polymers
58. Types of polymerization
59. Chain growth mechanism
60. Step Growth polymerisation
61. Plastics
62. Polyethene
63. Poly vinyl chloride (PVC)
64. Nylon
65. Fabrication of plastics
66. Polystyrene
67. Teflon
68. Conducting polymers
69. Natural rubber
70. Elastomers
71. Fibers
72. Fuels
73. Calorific value
74. Calculation of Calorific Value of a Solid Fuel – Bomb Calorimeter
75. Cracking of Petroleum
76. Knocking in IC Engines
77. Power Alcohol and Synthetic Petrol
78. Acid-Base Titrations
79. Water
80. Estimation of hardness of water
81. Scale and Sludge formation
82. Priming and Foaming
83. Softening of water
84. Zeolite or Permutit process
85. Ion-exchange process
86. Bio Mass
87. Introduction to spectroscopy
88. Some terms concerning UV
89. Applications of UV in analytical chemistry
90. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (nmr)
91. Theory of nuclear resonance
Wendet physikalische Wissenschaften (Chemie und Physik) und Biowissenschaften (Biologie, Mikrobiologie und Biochemie) zusammen mit Mathematik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an. It is essential to related fields such as nanotechnology, fuel cells and bioengineering.
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