Discover New friends!
Video Dating App. You can make money at the same time!
New updated BridgeCall Video Call features:
- You can make money right away if you make a paid channel.
- Have good quality FREE video chat(call) over 3G/4G/WiFi with great users.
- With user manner rating system, you can voice chat with new people in good manner.
- Profile pictures of others help you find someone you really want to talk to.
- Apply matching filters to change locations and genders based on your preference.
- No more afraid of exposing you to others.
Have a meaningful voice communication to find out each other more first, and move on to the next level of conversation.
Wie man verwendet:
Free Video Chat
- If you just tap the "Chat" menu inside the BridgeCall app, you will see automatic searching screen to find new friends to have random voice chatting. If you were already a BridgeCall user before this update, you should fill out extra profile info(Age, Gender) to start using this chatting feature.
Once you successfully update your profile, you will be automatically connected to new friends whom you can voice chat with.
- From inside of the app
You will see the list of your BridgeCall friends whom you can make FREE calls on the “Friends” tab(Or you can just dial from “Keypad”). Once you click the button, free call is made and you will hear the BridgeCall sound and see a green bar at the top of the phone call screen..
** On 3G/4G/LTE/WIFI network, voice rate is completely free between BridgeCall users.
** If your device is not connected to the Internet, BridgeCall can redirect your call as a regular call that uses your minutes according to your setting preference.
Please look at the top of the phone call screen and make sure that it says “Bridge Free Call”
- Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BridgeCallapp/
- Have any question or suggestion? Check out “Customer Service” menu in the app setting.
- Data charges may apply on 3G/4G/LTE network. We recommend using an unlimited data plan or WiFi connection.
Bridge Mobile, Inc.
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Auf unserer Website können Sie ganz einfach die neuste Version von BridgeCall herunterladen! Keine Registrierung oder SMS erforderlich!