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Ultimate Wizard West Tier List

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-18

Harry Potter meets Wild West? Yeah, that's a Roblox classic called Wizard West. One thing you'll notice the moment you enter the game is that it's extremely competitive, and if you wanna get to and stay at the top, you'll need a good spell loadout. To learn which spells are best and why, check out our ultimate Wizard West tier list below!

Wizard West Spells Tier List - PvP

The best spells for PvP in Wizard West are the ones that have CC, survivability, high single-target damage, and auto-tracking, and the tier list above reflects that. The point is to nuke your enemy and give them as little counterplay room as possible.

For those reasons, Abra Kedabra, Imperum, Vocare Enarma, Lasso, Protego, Morsmortem, and Tempestia Incarnata are your top choices. Just try to get a mix of survivability, CC, and damage in your kit, and you'll be golden.

Wizard West Spells Tier List - PvE

On the other hand, the best spells for PvE in Wizard West are the ones with large AoE, high damage, or some form of QoL. Those kinds of spells will allow you to navigate the map, kill mobs, and farm money as fast as possible.

The skills that have all those qualities and come to mind are Tempestia Incarnata, Imperum, Frigidus, Morsmortem, Apparo (Apparate), and Oceanus Vortico. If you don't mind flying around, don't use Apparo; instead, take a damaging spell.

Complete Wizard West Spells List & Guide

In the table below, you can find the complete list of spells in the Wizard West Roblox experience, together with their descriptions and pros/cons. They are ordered alphabetically, and you can also use Ctrl + F to find specific spells more quickly.

SpellDescriptionPros & Cons

Abra Kedabra
Effect: Instantly kills the enemy.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 3 "Forbidden Arts: Deathbringer" Spell Tree (T4)
+ One of the most OP spells for PvP
Relatively low value for PvE
Long cooldown

(Apparate - old)
Effect: Teleports user to the chosen location on the map.
Category: Utility
Source: Starter Spell (T0)
+ Very good utility spell in general
Long cooldown

Effect: Damages an enemy on hit and entraps him in a water bubble.
Category: Base
Source: Level 4 "School of Oceans: Aquamancer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Relativly low cooldown
+ Very good CC skill you can get early on
Low damage

Effect: Channel and fire small bolts that track the target.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "School of Trackers: Snatcher" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Solid damage
+ Short cooldown
Relatively long channel time

Effect: Creates a big explosion at the target location, followed by several smaller ones.
Category: Base
Source: Level 4 "School of Geomency: Excavator" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid AoE and damage
+ Knocks-up and ragdolls enemies
+ Short cooldown
Requires good aim

Effect: Fires a piercing horizontal bolt that can hit multiple enemies on its path.
Category: Base
Source: Level 4 "School of Trackers: Cutthroat" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Extremely good range
+ Short cooldown
Requires good aim

Effect: Fires a small lightning bolt from your wand (it has no travel time).
Category: Base
Source: Level 4 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Very short cooldown
+ Ragdolls enemies
+ Projectile deals damage to enemies instantly
Fairly low AoE and damage

Effect: Moderately heals the caster.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid self heal spell
Targets only one player
Taking a damage spell is just better

Effect: Fires a bolt that moderately heals its target.
Category: Base
Source: Level 4 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
Very low healing
Targets only one player
Taking a damage spell is just better

Episkio Magna
Effect: Heals everyone in a close area around the user for a large amount of HP.
Category: Base
Source: Level 5 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Solid AoE healing
Melee range
Taking a damage spell is most often better

Effect: Disarms the opponent for a short time.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "Druid Sorcery: Wayfarer" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Okayish utility spell for PvP
Stun skills are simply better
Borderline useless for PvE


Effect: Conjures a vortex continuously that slows and freezes enemies.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 5 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Very big area of effect
+ Very good CC spell both for PvE and PvP
+ Long duration and short cooldown
Low damage

Effect: Fires several ice spears that auto-track the target with low accuracy.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 2 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Fairly good single target damage
Auto-tracking accuracy is pretty low
Absolutely no AoE

Effect: Fires a small tracking bolt that applies the 'Chill' status effect, slowing enemies.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "School of Frost: Frostbinder" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Slows down enemies
+ Auto-tracking
+ Low cooldown
Low damage

Effect: Increases casting speed and movement speed of the user for a short time.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "School of Trackers: Cutthroat" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Solid utility spell
Picking a damage spell is straight up better

Effect: Fires a small bolt that sets the enemies on fire on hit.
Category: Base
Source: Starter Spell (T0)
Very small AoE
Low damage
Requires good aim


Effect: Shoots a wide cone-shaped flame from your wand.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "School of Pyromancy: Kindleflame" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Short cooldown
+ Okayish AoE damage
Very low range

Effect: Hurls a powerful fireball that explodes on impact and ignites enemies.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 4 "School of Pyromancy: Kindleflame" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Failry big AoE radius
Doesn't deal that much damage
Bombarda is just better

Effect: Turns an enemy into an NPC that fights for you.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 3 "Forbidden Arts: Dominus" Spell Tree (T4)
+ Extremely strong utility skill both for PvE and PvP
+ Long effect duration
Long cooldown

Effect: Calls down lightning from the sky at the target location to strike and stun nearby enemies.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 2 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Solid area of effect
+ Stuns and ragdolls enemies
Relatively hard to aim
Fairly low damage

Effect: Completely immobilizes an enemy on hit.
Category: Utility
Source: Level 4 "Ministry of Light: Patrolman" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Broken spell for PvP
Not that useful for PvE

Effect: Emits a light from the tip of the wand.
Category: Utility
Source: Level 1 "Ministry of Light: Patrolman" Spell Tree (T1)

Effect: Fires a bunch of sparks from the tip of your wand to briefly stun nearby enemies.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "School of Storms: Stormcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
Extremely low range
Very low damage
There are more reliable stun spells

Effect: Summons 3 shadow wizards to aid you in combat.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 5 "Forbidden Magic: Shadecaller" (Book of Shadows) Gamepass Spell Tree (T0)
+ Shadows deal very good damage
+ Extremely good spell both for PvE and PvP
Very long cooldown

Occeanus Vortico
Effect: Conjures waves to entrap multiple enemies in bubbles.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 3 "School of Oceans: Odysseus" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Extremely big area of effect
+ one of the best CC skills both for PvE and PvP
Low damage
Long execution time

Effect: Summon a barrier that blocks the effects of the incoming spells.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "Ministry of Light: Light Bearer" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Extremely good utility spell for PvP
+ Long duration
+ Relatively short cooldown
Fairly low value for PvE

Effect: Reveals objects and creatures around you.
Category: Utility
Source: Level 4 "School of Trackers: Snatcher" Spell Tree (T2)

Effect: Fires a stun bolt with auto-track. Applies Lasso effect for 14 seconds if target has less than 15 HP.
Category: Base
Source: Starter Spell (T0)
+ Solid auto-tracking stun skill
Stun duration is fairly short
Lasso effect only activates on low HP enemies

Tempestia Incarnata
Effect: Creates a massive storm cloud over an area to continuously strike enemies.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 6 "School of Storms: Stromcaller" Spell Tree (T3)
+ Massive area of effect
+ Insane continuous damage with auto-tracking
Very long cooldown

Effect: Conjures an armor to increase player health.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 1 "Black Powder Sorcery: Duelist" Spell Tree (T2)
+ Very good utility skill for PvP
Doesn't provide that much value in PvE
Protego is simply better

Vocare Enarma
Effect: Conjures a rifle weapon for the user.
Category: Base
Source: Level 1 "Black Powder Sorcery: Ironblood" Skill Tree (T3)
Weapon: Mauser 98
+ Insanely good damage
+ Very good range and projectile speed
Requires good aim to use

Vocare Halberda
Effect: Conjures a halberd weapon for the user.
Category: Base
Source: Level 3 "Black Powder Sorcery: Duelist" Spell Tree (T2)
Weapon: Halberd
+ Knock-backs and ragdolls enemies on hit
Very low range and number of attacks
Mediocre damage

Vocare Machinam
Effect: Conjures a machine gun weapon for the user.
Category: Wild Magic
Source: Level 4 "Black Powder Sorcery: Ironblood" Spell Tree (T3)
Weapon: MP 40
+ Very good damage and rate of fire
+ Very good range and projectile speed
Requires good aim to use

Vocare Pickaxe
Effect: Conjures a pickaxe tool for the user. Allows you to mine ore veins and gather resources.
Category: Utility
Source: Level 1 "School of Geomency: Excavator" Spell Tree (T1)
+ Good utility for farming resources
Useless for combat

And that concludes our ultimate Wizard West spells guide and tier list. If you found the info in this tier list helpful and want to learn more about other Roblox experiences, such as Rune Slayer and Ninja Time, check out the Roblox section here on Pro Game Guides.