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How to Solve All Puzzles in Pressure Roblox

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-14

Roblox survival wonder Pressure has many challenging tasks, and quirky puzzles quickly became its trademark. There are three types of major puzzles in the game and one similar in-game mechanic when escaping Pandemonium, but more on that later. In this guide, we will address how to solve all the Puzzles in Pressure Roblox and provide some additional tips and tricks so you can fully immerse yourself in this underwater gem. 

Table of contents

  • Types of Puzzles in Pressure
    • Pipe Puzzles
    • Generator Puzzles 
    • Cable Puzzles
    • Pandemonium Monster Puzzle
    • The Hunt: Mega Edition Pressure Update

Types of Puzzles in Pressure

With only one exception, all puzzles in Pressure are relatively easy to complete. It takes little time to master the technique, and they tend to be repetitive. Still, we thought we would give you guys some brief info on all types of puzzles in Pressure and how to solve them quickly.

Pipe Puzzles

You will encounter Pipe Puzzles in partially flooded rooms, and there will be an area with electrified water nearby. Similar to many “pipe problems” in previous games, the goal is to connect the line from the starting point all the way to the endpoint or endpoints.

There are one to six endpoints depending on the puzzle and three types of pipes: straight, 90-degree bend, and T-shaped. Your task is to switch them around and complete the puzzle. The water will drain out, and you will be able to continue, but make sure to stay close to lockers in case Pandemonium approaches while tinkering.

To help you out, the pipes will glow different colors. A green pipe is connected to a starting point, a red pipe is an end point not connected to a starting one, and pipes not glowing are not connected to a starting point.

Although sometimes complicated, the puzzle rooms provide enough space to hide from Node Monsters. Also, there will be separate rooms nearby with lockers you can hide in from the Pandemonium, and all other Pressure monsters.

How To Solve Pipe Puzzle After Door 64?

The most complicated Pipe Puzzle in the Pressure game is located in the room behind door 64. To solve this puzzle, you must switch and align the pipes, as shown in the picture below. Take your time; it is not as complicated as it seems.

Generator Puzzles

Generator puzzles are located in the rooms before the Warehouse, and five of them must be repaired in the Warehouse itself during the encounter with those nasty Searchlights. Broken generators glow red and can be repaired during a minigame where you click the button at the right moment, when the red arrow is in the white bar.

If you miscalculate and click at the wrong moment, your character will be pushed away and suffer five hit points of damage. A successful repair lasts about 30 seconds and there were two generators broken in front of the Warehouse and five inside. Once repaired, they will flicker green, and you will be able to proceed.

Cable Puzzles

Broken Cable Puzzles appear only during the ending encounter with Searchlights after you pass door 99 and take the Crystal. You must swim outside Ridge’s Airlock and fix seven electric cables, all the time watching for and hiding from Searchlights.

The cables lie on the ocean floor, glowing sparkly yellow. The procedure in the minigame is almost identical to that of the Generator puzzles, however, cables can be repaired more quickly, taking only three successes in the puzzle mode.

If you make a mistake and click the button at the wrong time, the event will stop, and you will suffer five damage. Unlike Generators, Cables will not throw you away upon a mistake, but the progress will not restart, just as with Generators.

Pandemonium Monster Puzzle

Although technically not a puzzle per se, once you hide from the Pandemonium Monster in a locker, you will have to resolve another mini-game. Your task is to keep the pointer in the white indicator as Pandemonium slams your locker and throws the cursor far away from the desired spot.

Failing to do so results in instant death. If Pandemonium spots you at any given moment, you will still have a small amount of time to find a locker you can hide in. Do not try to outrun Pandemonium – it will catch you 100%.

The Hunt: Mega Edition Pressure Update

Before we conclude, a couple of photos emerged on Discord regarding some Pressure updates for the upcoming The Hunt: Mega Edition. We have a sneak peek of the new entity and a warning sign saying “AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION / Remember your hard hat!” Subtle clues like these may indicate what type of adventure we could be facing in Pressure during The Hunt: Mega Edition, so stay alert and expect the unexpected.

Now that you know how to solve all the puzzles in Pressure, you might as well claim the Pressure codes we have provided. We hope our paths will cross during The Hunt: Mega Edition, and who knows, maybe we will share some experiences while exploring quests in Pressure.