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How To Revive Teammates in R.E.P.O.

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-14

Playing games with friends makes the experience better. However, sometimes, there’s a weak link. In a game like R.E.P.O., however, squad members can take turns being the one in need because the monsters are pretty tough. So, here’s how to revive teammates in R.E.P.O. after they get taken down.

What To Do If a Teammate Dies in R.E.P.O.

Whenever you load into a round in R.E.P.O., your health bar sits at 100. You can then take damage from monsters or even your own items, such as Human Grenades. Once you lose health, you can heal using the Health Packs that are available in the Service Station. Teammates can also share their health by walking over to another player and interacting with their health bar. It’s a neat mechanic that more games should take advantage of, but that’s a conversation for another day.

Related: All Monsters & How to Kill or Escape Them in R.E.P.O.

Despite all the ways to stay in the green, from time to time, the monsters in R.E.P.O. hit another gear and eliminate some of your squad. When that happens, you can either wait to meet your maker or take matters into your own hands. Once a teammate dies in R.E.P.O., their head falls to the ground, and you can pick it up. Pay attention to where your ally dies or look at the map, which will reveal the head’s location using a small icon the same color as their character. Unfortunately, finding the head is only half of the battle.

Where To Revive Teammates in R.E.P.O.

With the head in your inventory, it’s time to head to the extraction point. Drop the item on the point, and as long as you’ve met the loot requirement for the round (you can view this at the top right of your screen), your teammate will respawn with 1 HP. They can gain some additional health so they’re not totally useless to the squad by entering the truck. From there, it’s business as usual. However, there is an additional way to bring your teammates back if you aren’t able to do the head method.

If you’re unable to get to your squad member’s head for whatever reason, starting a new round will also do the trick. It works a lot like Call of Duty Zombies, which is round-based and allows dead players to return after a new round starts. This method is a bit messier, since you’ll be at less-than full power for the rest of the round. However, as veteran survival gamers know, some situations can be addition by subtraction, especially if someone is new to a game. The reset gives them time to watch the masters at work and avoid being thrown into a tough spot.

Related: How To Fix R.E.P.O. Stuck on Loading Screen Bug

And that’s how to revive teammates in R.E.P.O. If you’re looking for more, here’s what Energy Crystals do in the horror game and how to get more. available now on PC.