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How to Get Inferno Hide in Fisch

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-22

For those ready to explore all levels of Mariana's Veil, you will have to work hard and collect a bunch of items to upgrade your shiny submarine. If you're struggling with the Inferno Hide in Fisch, here's our guide how to get it.

Where to Find the Inferno Hide in Fisch

The Inferno Hide Fisch is part of the Volcanic Vents Bestiary. Volcanic Vents is the first area of Mariana's Veil. In order to get down into the area, you first have to make yourself a Submarine. Once you have it completed, make your way down.

Disembark from the submarine and make your way to the NPC so that you can make it your respawn location (I did it immediately since I knew I was gonna be swimming in lava). Keep going deep into the caves until you reach the Volcano Rod (-3175, -2030, 4020) and this is the area where you can fish.

The Inferno Hide is a Common fish, so to get it, put on the Garbage bait and get to fishing. As soon as you get it, make sure to take off the Garbage bait if you want to complete the Bestiary, since it decreases your luck (which means you can't get any of the higher rarity fish). Also try to use one of the worse Rods, you want your luck to be down in the dumps essentially.

How to Use Inferno Hide in Fisch

The Inferno Hide is one of four items needed to get the Heat upgrade for the Submarine. You need these items if you plan on getting to Challenger's Deep, the next level of Mariana's Veil. Once you have everything collected and caught, head over to the first area where you've set your stay.

Go to the crafting table in the middle and make your very first Submarine upgrade, and you'll also get a Glimmerfin Suit Lvl 1 as a reward. Once you have that, go into your sub and make your way down to the next level.

If you want to completely research the area of Mariana's Veil and get all the fish, I suggest checking out our Ultimate Fisch Mariana’s Veil Event Guide right here on Pro Game Guides.