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How to Beat and Capture Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-18

Everyone needs to know how to beat Nerscylla, because it’s a big old spider, and a lot of people hate that. It’s also a great source of high-affinity weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds, and for anyone who watched the Monster Hunter film, probably the source of a few nightmares. So, let’s learn about this massive spider.

How to Beat Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds

  • Weaknesses: Fire, Thunder (When mantle is broken)
  • Resistances: Sleep
  • Immunities: Sonic Bomb

This enormous spiky spider is to be feared. For starters, it’s not only fast, but incredibly agile thanks to its web abilities, and it can stick you in place with webbing, poison you with it’s bite attack, and put you to sleep with its rear stinger. This thing is a powerhouse of status effect damage, and it should be taken very seriously. Make sure you bring a way to cure sleep and poison with you, or you’ll be in a lot of trouble.

In terms of attacks you really need to watch out for, they come in two categories. The first of these are the bite attacks, or pincer attacks, or whatever the heck it uses. This has the Nerscylla rearing back slightly as two orange fangs protude from it, and it’ll then run forwards and slam these together. This not only inflicts poison, but also deals an absurd amount of damage. The best way to avoid these is to move behind it, or just run away quickly.

The other thing to watch out for is the web attacks. One of these has the Nerscylla shooting web at you, and it can either do so directly, or spit three out at different angles on after the other. Getting webbed will result in you being stuck, but you can avoid these by dodging. The other two attacks actually have the Nerscylla rushing you with web. One is a horizontal charge that’s incredibly quick, and you’ll need to block it or dodge to the side. The other has the spider swinging up like Spider-Man, and sideways movement should allow you to avoid this one too.

How to Capture Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds

To capture Nerscylla, you’re going to need to put in a bit of work first. As with all the other monsters, you’ll first need to prep the right items. That means bringing a Pitfall Trap, a Shock Trap, and some Tranq Bombs. Technically, you only need one of those two traps and then two Tranq Bombs, but because things can go wrong very easily in Monster Hunter Wilds, it’s better to be overprepared.

You’ll then need to actually fight the Nerscylla, and bring it down to within an inch of its life. You can tell when this happens because it’ll start limping and any NPC teammates will talk about how it’s weak. However, the easiest way to see this is by keeping an eye on the mini-map, because a small skull will start floating off of the icon for the beast. Once it’s weak, you need to plant a trap, lure the Nerscylla into it, and then throw two Tranq Bombs down to fully capture it.