لقد تم نفيك. لقد بدأت Trial By Survival . How will you survive?
You have been banished to the zombie invested wasteland to prove your innocence. لقد بدأت Trial By Survival . How will you survive?
Trial By Survival is a post-apocalyptic, top-down action RPG set in a zombie infested world long after civilization has collapsed. Navigate through lush destructible environments to find what you need to survive. Scavenge ammunition and supplies from other characters. Build and level weapons to confront the inevitable danger that lurks after every turn. استخدم مزايا تعزيز الشخصية لضبط أسلوب اللعب الخاص بك وتطوير تكتيكاتك مع تطور اللعبة من حولك للهروب من الموت الدائم. Every game is a unique story that writes itself and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
-Multiple Game Modes - Survival Mode and Arena Mode
-Procedurally generated map - every game is unique
-Destructible environments - Break down walls, blow up cars, set the world on fire
-Move freely around randomized levels, fighting through indoor and outdoor encounters
-Scavenge loot from real life players around the world
-Glitch the dog will help defend you, fetch things for you and keep you company
-Build and level up over a dozen unique weapons
-Customize your playing style with a character enhancing Perk system
-Great Comic/graphic art style
-Dual Stick or Drag/Tap Controls
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