For use with Tennis Racketeering app
This is an app that is used as a racket app for Tennis Racketeering game also available on Play Store.
Install this app, pair with another phone that has Tennis Racketeering installed and use it
as a real racket.
Tennis Racketeering is a game which features use of Android Wear device or another Bluetooth phone
as a racket.
By using phone sensors person can play as if it was really holding a racket and hitting a ball.
Sensors cover strength and direction of a hit.
If you don't have wear device or another phone, you can always play by touch.
Wear app is automatically installed while to use another phone search Play Store for Tennis Racketeering Racket app.
- real racket playing using Wear or another Android phone
- play by touch
- multiplayer
- single player
- single player tournament play
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