ضع ثلاثة نجوم بنفس اللون في الطابور. colorful and fun stars game.
match 3 in line series of stars. colorful and fun stars game.
You need to match series of stars by color.
Play with colorful stars.
Select star then replace it with its neighbor.
A correct stars match will give you positive score.
There is a given time for each level of the game.
colorful stars with beautiful backgrounds.
Try to crush all the stars.
Fun and simple!
وقتا ممتعا.
For phone and tablet.
- Simple and fun.
- pop stars.
- Improving brain function.
- Beautiful puzzle.
- Addicting game.
- Levels of difficulty.
- Game pause button.
- Displays the time left for each level.
- Auto save the best score of the game.
- games for kids and adults.
- It's free!
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