Spyfall هي لعبة حفلة. It's really simple! Guess who is spy!
Spyfall is a party game unlike any other, one in which you get to be a spy and try to understand what's going on around you. إنه أمر بسيط حقًا! يتم لعب Spyfall على عدة جولات ، وفي بداية كل جولة يعرف جميع اللاعبين أنهم في نفس الموقع - كازينو أو سيرك متنقل أو سفينة قرصنة أو حتى محطة فضائية - باستثناء أن اللاعب واحد يرى "Spy" بدلاً من الموقع. Players then start asking each other questions — "Why are you dressed so strangely?" or "When was the last time we got a payday?" or anything else you can come up with — trying to guess who among them is the spy. The spy doesn't know where he is, so he has to listen carefully. When it's his time to answer, he'd better create a good story!At any time during a round, one player may accuse another of being a spy. If all other players agree with the accusation, the round ends and the accused player has to reveal his identity. If the spy is uncovered, all other players score points. However, the spy can himself end a round by announcing that he understands what the secret location is; إذا كان تخمينه صحيحًا ، فستكون علامات التجسس فقط.إليكم كيفية الحصول على Kraken-chan وتجنيد Surfer Jay في اللعبة الجديدة مثل Dragon: Pirate Yakuza في هاواي.
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