★★★ Slots of the Golden Condor : TAKE A FLIGHT WITH GOLDEN SPINS AND MEGA WINS!★★★
The Golden Condor – a symbol of the largest treasure known to man! This golden flying icon has inspired many to set out in search of ancient Aztec treasure! But they were all missing one thing! Slots of the Golden Condor ! الفتحات الضخمة تفوز ودورات مجانية!
ميزات اللعبة
mega رهيبة يفوز!
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► واجهة المستخدم متعددة اللغات: فتحات مجانية عبر الإنترنت بلغتك!
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► المؤثرات الصوتية الممتازة
► ألعاب Mini Galore !!!
Where did the golden condor come from you ask? It was once the crest of an ancient Aztec king! The king believed that the condor could fly directly into the heavens. And since his soul was directly connected to the condor – he too could fly into heaven!
This Aztec king became wealthy beyond imagination! He was forced to build several Aztec pyramids in order to contain all of his gold! Naturally at the entrance of each of these pyramids was a golden condor!
Explores who stumbled upon the first pyramid saw the golden condor and thought for certain that they have found the king's treasure! But they were mistaken. When they entered the treasure room – there was nothing there – except for Slots of the Golden Condor !
You can't help but love Slots of the Golden Condor ! It's the most exciting and fun Aztec slot around! The sound of the slots will have you searching for treasure! هذه الفتحة متعددة الخطوط ستجعلك تلعب لساعات متتالية. HD graphics that will make you crave gold! يدور مجاني ، تعزيز مضاعف ، رهان أقصى أكبر وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.
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