Uncover Secrets in Okara - Merge and Solve Puzzles
يا إلهي! How on earth did my life take such a wild turn?!
After losing everything, I was summoned back to this little island I grew up on. It's like stepping into a world full of challenges and mysteries.
Where on earth is Dad? لماذا لا يجيب على مكالماتي ، تاركًا لي هذا المنتجع المتجه إلى التعامل مع هذا؟ How do I even manage a resort? Cleaning, renovation, attracting guests, grocery shopping, delving into the world of gourmet cuisine... Gosh, I'm becoming a jack of all trades!
Jacob, well, he's different now, and I can sense something between us! هذا الأبله ، لقد حان الوقت لأن نأخذ الخطوة التالية! But there's this feeling that he's hiding something, Jacob, maybe there's another side to him that I don't know about...
Then out of the blue, John shows up on the island! تذكر هذا الرجل؟ أوه ، لا يمكن أن تسميه صديقًا سيئًا ، أقصد أنه لم يغش تمامًا ، لكنه نسي الأوقات التي مررنا بها معًا. يتم مطاردتها من قبل الوحوش البرية ، والتجميد ، والبحث عن الطعام ، ومواجهة السكان الأصليين ، والتسمم ، وترك هذا العالم الجميل تقريبًا ... مجنون ، أليس كذلك؟ التفكير مرة أخرى ، إنه لا ينسى. But hold on, what about Jacob? من يجب أن أختار؟ John seems different now, should I trust him again?
But here's the real kicker, Faye's boyfriend is cheating on her! Now, that's a real scumbag move! And he's hiding the truth about Dad from me too. Should I spill the beans to Faye and get rid of him? Secrets, secrets everywhere!
The island is filled with conspiracy, danger, cutthroat competition, mysterious forces, and crippling debt. It's a mess!
All I have are these shattered photos, journals, mysterious notes, and a purchase agreement.
ماذا علي أن أفعل؟ Please help me out!
ميزات اللعبة:
؟ Explore the beautiful Okara Island.
Solve challenging puzzles and tasks.
؟ Uncover hidden secrets and treasures.
Fix the resort with your friends.
Immerse yourself in a plot full of suspense and surprises.
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Download Okara Escape now and dive into an unforgettable suspense-filled island adventure!
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