High Bar is a free-to-play arcade game from gloops, Inc.
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I'm afraid our service will be closed on June 15th, 2017.
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Make it or break it in this gymnastics-themed game of rhythm and skill. Tap and swipe following the on-screen commands to put together a giant-swinging horizontal bar routine. لكن احترس! Miss a move and you'll fly off the bar, missing your shot at the gold.
Faster, Higher, Funkier
・A full-twist on rhythm and action!
・Perform stunts used in actual competition including the Tkachev, Kolman, Gaylord II, Kovacs, and more!
・Level up to unlock new landings and original moves! See if you can nail them for a perfect score!
・Share your top scores on Facebook and Twitter!
High Bar is a free-to-play arcade game from gloops, Inc. Check out more games by gloops at: http://www.gloops.com/en
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gloopsInc and follow us on Twitter (@gloops_PR)
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إليكم كيفية العثور على علاء الدين ودعوته للعيش في الوادي في تحديثات وادي ديزني Dreamlight من Agrabah.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من High Bar! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!