جميع أنواع لعبة البلياردو متاحة. Both Human vs Human and Human vs AI
The best looking and operating mobile Billiard game is here!
Rule is simple just drag the sidebar and release your finger!
ميزات اللعبة:
1. Realistic 3D ball animation
2. Touch control for moving the stick
4. Straight Pool Billiard Game (no rules)
- 8 ball
- 9 ball
- Human vs Human
- Human vs Mobile
5. Very friendly control of bat
6. Both time and without time play options
7. Lots of challenges and fun with this game
8. Various types of board is available
Moreover this is the best pool games in android so far. Play it, share it and review it
For any other information contact with [email protected]
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من billiards pool games! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!