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كيف تتغلب بسهولة على لورد التنين في رون في رون

المؤلف: مجهول تاريخ التحديث: 2025-03-20

في بداية رحلة Rune Slayer ، تضع في كهف مع بعض الأعداء الهائل بما في ذلك الهياكل العظمية وورد التنين. على الرغم من أن هذا هو المقدمة وليس إلزاميًا التغلب على الوحش الضخم ، إلا أنه يمكنك متابعة خدعة سهلة لإخضاعها والحصول على مكافأة حلقة مصاصة.

How to easily defeat the Vampiric Dragon Lord in Rune Slayer - Unlock Vampiric Ring

أولاً ، تحتاج إلى البدء من جديد بشخصية جديدة يمكنك القيام بها عن طريق شراء فتحة جديدة لـ 150 Robux أو حذف البناء الحالي إذا لم يكن لديك الكثير من التقدم. Select any species, clothing, and color as these stats aren't relevant to this strategy. In the next step, make sure to equip the Magician class as I've shown in the first image above. Thereafter, drag and drop the Magic Arrow to the ability slot (see second image) to finish building your character.

If you're a beginner, I want you to remember some keybinds that you'll need before proceeding further:

  • Double Tap W : Sprint
  • X : Equip weapon
  • Q : Dash

After spawning inside the cave, I suggest avoiding battling the Skeletons to save time as they often respawn. You can easily outrun them and they will not chase you after a certain range. Dodging these creatures, run straight to the edge of the map to call in the Vampiric Dragon Lord , who'll appear from the sky.

بمجرد أن يولد الرب التنين ، يجب أن تكون سريعًا في إغراءه في جزء من الكهف حيث يتعثر ويمكنك القضاء عليه بسهولة من مسافة بعيدة. Run back to where you came from, avoiding the Skeletons, and make sure the beast isn't too far away (see first image above). Don't be afraid if you get hit by the Dragon's attacks a few times. You can avoid these by using dash and sprinting away . Hug the wall on your left and enter the small opening (second image). This is where the huge monster is supposed to get stuck as you can see in the third picture (it may take a few tries as this is a glitch).

سيبقى لورد Dragon Dragon Dragon غير متحرك ولن يهاجمك ، فقط تأكد من عدم التحرك كثيرًا لأنه قد يحاول مطاردتك والتحرر. Now comes the easy part, ie, exploiting this bug to take down the beast from afar using your Magician class skills. Aim at the Dragon Lord's exposed body part (wings in my case) and press 1 to release Magic Arrows , subsequently after cooldown.

Do this a few times (it takes five to seven shots) and you'll be able to defeat your first boss in no time. Because the Vampire Dragon Lord's HP bar is quite massive, you only have to damage 40% of it to beat the monster. If the blue bar under your character's health bar goes to 0, wait a few seconds for it to replenish you can use the Magic Arrow again.

Rune Slayer Vampiric Ring Details

بعد هزيمة Lord Dragon Lord Vampiric ، إما عن طريق استغلال هذا العيب أو القضاء عليه باستخدام مهاراتك القتالية ، فسوف تحصل على حلقة مصاصي الدماء وأنت تفرخ في قرية Wayshire. It's described as one of the Seven Dragon Rings belonging to Velor Yth Carven, ie, the Vampiric Dragon Lord. This soulbound ring stays on your character and grants an HP boost upon successfully landing a weapon art move . The amount of health replenished increases as you level up which makes the Vampiric Ring a beneficial item to obtain in Rune Slayer.

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