Tiny Scanner - A little scanner app that turns android device into a portable document scanner and scan everything as images or PDFs.
With this scanner app you can scan documents, photos, receipts, reports, or just about anything. This scanner app is lightning fast and gorgeously designed for both phone and tablet
Tiny Scanner is a pdf scanner app that turns your mobile into a portable scanner. Scans are saved to your device as images or PDFs. Name and organize your scans into folders, or share them by:
- بريد إلكتروني
- Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, OneDrive or Box
- Wifi directly to your computer
This scanner app has all the BIG features you need:
* Scan in color, grayscale, or black & white
* Can be used in office, school, home and anywhere else you want
* Page edges are detected automagically
* 5 levels of contrast for crisp monochrome texts
* Set page sizes for PDF (Letter, Legal, A4, and more)
* Thumbnail or list view, sort scans by date or title
* Tiny Scanner is optimized to run very fast.
* Quick search by document title
* Protect your documents with a passcode
* Universal – a single app that works on phone and tablet too!
What more you can get in the pro version of Tiny Scanner?
* Unlimited number of documents
* Supports to upload scanned documents to Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive
If you have any problem about this scanner app please email us at [email protected], and we'll help you figure it out.
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