تطبيق لا يلوم للعائلات مع كبار السن. تصل الصور للتو. Skype Just starts.
• You can Skype™ Grandma, she does not need to touch the tablet!
• Family Pictures and even Videos just arrive in her gallery. No Touch!
• Speak subtitles into your phone...Grandma sees them on her tablet.
• Subtitles on Phone calls, Skype calls and Zoom. No Touch!
The app is free for early adopters!
You can Skype with her from the “ Stay in Touch ” app on your phone, or the www.Stay-in-Touch.ca website. Even put subtitles on her screen if she misses a word here and there.
At the receiving end, install a tablet (or an Android dongle and Television), always powered on and Internet connected. You'll need to install Skype with her own Skypename, and of course the app “ Stay in Touch ” from the app store.
It's easiest to start on your phone. Download " Stay in Touch " and try it out. We have a “Demo” tablet already set to Skype with and you can send in pictures etc. You'll get the idea of how it works.
Make an "New User" for Grandma on your phone, and then set up her tablet with the same email and password. Your own regular email is fine, or a new hotmail. Send her some pictures. Set up Skype with her own Skypename, you'll need Skype on your phone or laptop.
Skype™ and Zoom™ are great tools to communicate with. Grandparents can see your smiling faces and see how much the children have grown.
We have no relationship with Skype™ <http://www.skype.com/en/> or Zoom™ <http://zoom.us/> except as grateful users of their free service. The “Stay in Touch” just launches these apps in a convenient manner to get started on a distant tablet without them needing to touch the screen. You have to install these apps at both ends, your phone and the tablet. Or use the web page at www.Stay-in-Touch.ca from a browser if you find it easier. Grandma's tablet will need its own Skypename
The app is free while we make sure it works well for families, eventually the plan is as follows ...The app is free for the first month, and then $3 per Month or $25 per year. There obviously can be no advertising at all. Your family members can download the app for free, we charge only you, the leader. It's free at the moment. If you use it now, you will never be charged!
This app has enough functionality to be useful, Pictures showing in a gallery, Skype with Subtitles, and the ability to start a Youtube movie and even watch it together and chat on the phone about it.
This requires a tablet, always on, always connected to the Internet. This is a space where many other features can be added, by us, or by other developers to make the lives of the elderly better, safer and more fun. This is the first step. Let us know what you would like to see.
Version 12 2014 04 04
Facilities to email photos to Grandma's tablet
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