Shawarma and coffee with an owl
The Shaurmeals app is more than 1000 shawarma options in your smartphone! اطلب بسرعة وبدون قائمة انتظار. Build your perfect shawarma in the constructor, and we will deliver it within an hour. انتباه! Only for connoisseurs of juicy, hot and most cultural shawarma in your city!
Arrange delivery or pick up the order yourself: the application will allow you to minimize the waiting time and interaction with people.
What's in the app?
- Current menu
Stay up to date with all the changes in the menu of any Shaurmeals restaurant in your city, see the composition, weight and KBJU of dishes.
- Shawarma constructor
Make your shawarma even more cultured: easily make changes to existing recipes or create your own, and we will prepare it especially for you. The application has a large selection of additional ingredients: bacon, ham, mushrooms, olives, fetax, hash brown, fried onions and much more!
How to use the application?
Select the Delivery or Pickup option;
Select a restaurant from the list;
Choose shawarma or any other dish;
Edit the recipe if desired;
Place an order;
Pay with a card or Google Pay;
Track your order status in the app.
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