Enable apps to write to your MicroSD card under Android KitKat (root required)
يقوم Android 4.4 KitKat بإزالة قدرتك على كتابة الملفات إلى بطاقة MicroSD (على الهواتف/الأجهزة اللوحية التي تحتوي على كل من ذاكرة داخلية وبطاقات MicroSD التي تم تثبيتها للمستخدم). NextApp SDFix restores this ability by modifying a configuration file. As this app changes a system configuration file, it requires root access.
* This app is used to change a device configuration file.
* يرجى قراءة قائمة التطبيق بأكملها للحصول على وصف لما يفعله هذا التطبيق بالضبط لتحديد ما إذا كان مناسبًا لجهازك و/أو ROM المخصص.
* This app is designed to solve a specific problem. If you don't have that problem, don't install this app.
* This app is only useful on devices that have a user-installed MicroSD card. إذا كان لديك جهاز Google Nexus أو جهاز آخر بدون بطاقة microSD التي قمت بتثبيتها جسديًا ، فلن يكون هذا التطبيق مفيدًا.
* This app is likely only useful if you have a stock ROM. إذا كنت تقوم بتشغيل ROM بعد البيع مثل CyanogenMod ، فلا يوجد سبب لتثبيت هذا التطبيق (لا يعاني ROMs ما بعد البيع من المشكلة التي يصححها هذا التطبيق).
* NO WARRANTY: as is generally the case with all root modifications, you assume all risk by using this software.
* As with any root modification, ensure you have the knowledge to fully restore your device to stock if required.
[ About MicroSD Cards in Android 4.4 / KitKat ]
When Google released Android 4.4, they specified that applications you download can no longer write to user-installed MicroSD cards. Apps can still write to internal flash storage. Some devices (like Google Nexus devices) only have internal storage, and are unaffected. Other devices (eg Samsung Galaxy and Note devices) have the ability to expand their storage space by installing a MicroSD card. عندما يتم تثبيت KitKat على مثل هذه الأجهزة ، تقتصر التطبيقات على أن تكون قادرة فقط على معالجة الملفات على التخزين المدمج ، مع تقييد الوصول إلى بطاقة microSD.
This change represents a removal of functionality compared with Android 4.3. 4.3 allowed apps to write to the MicroSD card, as did prior versions.
The limitation introduced in KitKat does not affect the capabilities of preinstalled apps, only apps you choose to install. Apps preinstalled by Google, your device manufacturer, and your carrier still have this ability. Only apps that you choose to install are restricted.
[ Technical Details ]
NextApp SDFix will modify the configuration file located at /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml to allow apps to write to the MicroSD card. Specifically, SDFix will add the Android UNIX group "media_rw" to the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission's configuration. This will enable apps (only those that you granted write access permissions to when you installed them) to write files to the MicroSD card. On many devices, this is effectively reverting the state of this permission back to the way it was configured in Android 4.3. This modification is carried out by modifying the existing XML file, rather than replacing it.
A backup of the original configuration file will be saved at /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml.original-pre- SDFix (provided one does not already exist). يمكن تحقيق هذا التعديل باستخدام مدير الملفات المتمثل في الجذر لاستبدال ملف /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml بإصدار احتياطي.
[ معلومات إضافية ]
This app is free and has no advertisements (with the exception of links to other NextApp apps when it completes its task).
--- Please do not contact me with requests for information on how to obtain root access on your device. The process is different for every device, and often requires technical expertise to install. ---
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