Will you choose love… or revenge?
"I'm here for revenge. Falling for you wasn't a part of the plan..."
◆ القصة ◆
You've finally made it.
You're a doctor now, working at a major hospital in Tokyo, the very same hospital whose covered-up medical error caused your mother's sudden death 12 years ago.
Since then, you've lived for nothing but revenge.
But now...
"No matter what happens, I'll always love you."
You feel yourself pulled towards his lips and you hesitate, your hand and the knife in it freeze for a moment.
Would forgiving this person be wrong?
◆Character Profiles◆
Issei Sezaki: The cool son of the hospital director
"If I can save one more life then it's worth it."
A man of few words who rarely shows his feelings, his skills as a surgeon are top notch.
However, there is a reason he's so serious about improving his skills as a surgeon...
Junpei Miyashita: Your first love and childhood friend
"If things get to be too much, let me know. We've been friends for forever, right?"
You grew up together until being separated in high school.
A kind man with a strong sense of integrity, the nurses love him.
He's sure to notice how much you've changed in the 12 years since you last met.
And more attractive characters!
Who will be the one to soften a heart hardened by revenge?
◆About the App◆
At first it was all just a part of your plan for revenge, but as you get closer to him you start to feel something...
Will you choose vengeance in the end? أو هل يمكن أن يكون هذا حقًا طريقك إلى السعادة؟
Experience a truly bittersweet romance, torn between love and revenge...
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