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منصة شدة واحدة لجميع أخبار بوليوود ، وثرثرة بوليوود ، والطعام ، والسفر ، والأخبار ، والأزياء ، ونمط الحياة.
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تنزيل الآن ، إنه مجاني !!
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• Politics: Get breaking news and opinions on politics, Budget, BJP, Congress, AAP, current affairs and major events from India and the World.
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• People: Follow celebrities, bollywood actors, bollywood actresses, politicians, sports personalities, celebrity gossip, musicians and singers.
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• Other cool stuff: Unravel fun facts, viral videos, jokes, haunted and spooky stories, gossip, Top 10, How to, DIY, horoscope and astrology.
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