سوق اليد المستعملة | Find or sell pre-owned goods in your local community
Join the more than one million happy folk who buy and sell their new and used items on South Africa's largest online marketplace. Now you can Buy and Sell with confidence using Gumtree's Pay & Ship feature.
- Buy online: Pay for your item securely on Gumtree and have it shipped to anywhere in SA. You are protected if the item doesn't arrive, arrives damaged or differs significantly from its description.
- Sell with Confidence: Get paid securely and reach more buyers by selling nationwide! With Gumtree you can sell your goods without having to meet your buyer in person.
- Keep in contact: Interact with the buyer or seller using the in-app messaging feature for quick, easy, and secure correspondence.
- Stay safe: Our smart ID verification system is designed with your safety in mind.
- Post in minutes: Time is money! Sell your unwanted goods in no time with our easy-to-use platform. Upload ads, add photos, write detailed instructions from your mobile device - it's that simple!
- You're in control: Browse our top categories, set the exact filters to your liking, and easily find what you're looking for near your local.
We're always looking for ways to further improve our app and your browsing experience.
Rate the app and get in touch with us:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GumtreeSouthAfrica/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gumtreeza/
- Twitter https://twitter.com/gumtreecoza
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