فتح هاتفك الذكي/الجهاز اللوحي باستخدام جهاز BLE. Perfect for Fitbit Flex!
DEMO Version
Unlock your smartphone/tablet when it is near your BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) device such as Fitbit Flex. Automatically locks your phone/tablet when your BLE device is away.
كيف تعمل:
1. Make sure your BLE device is near your phone/tablet when setting up the application. When opening the settings for the 1st time, the default password is:0000. Please do not forget to change this to your preferred password.
2. Use the device name (as seen by your device or any BLE scanner app in Play Store) for a simpler setup.
3. استخدم عنوان MAC MAC (كما هو موضح بواسطة أي تطبيق ماسح ضوئي BLE في متجر Play ، يمكن الوصول إلى APPLED APP المفضل من إعدادات التطبيق) لإعداد أكثر أمانًا.
4. Set your device security settings to Swipe to turn off Android's default pin/password.
5. Set your pincode and Save. That simple!
How frequent does it perform a scan:
1. When the phone/tablet is active, it checks the BLE device every 60 seconds.
2. When the phone/tablet is in sleep mode, it checks the BLE device every 120 seconds.
3. Scan intervals are the minimum possible without affecting your battery life.
Demo Version:
- Use only the BLE device name. Warning: Any device nearby with matching name can unlock your phone/tablet. Useful only for testing the app.
النسخة الكاملة:
- Use the BLE MAC address for more secure setup.
Have Feedback?
- The developer appreciates it if you can feedback anonymously at http://druidapps.weebly.com/feedback
Application is based on Tasker/Tasker App Factory. For more information you may check out Tasker at:
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من BLEUnlock (for Fitbit)! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!