'Places Around Me' helps you to find any place near to your location
Places Around Me helps you to find any place near to your location. You may be at any location , 'Places Around Me' will help you to find any near by ATM's , Hotels , Banks , park , School , etc . The App also allows you to enter a specific search criteria like 'XYZ Restaurant'.
Just hit on any category from the the predefined list or enter your own search text , the app will show the near by places matching your search . The result list of places will also show you the direction to each place from your current location. The search result will also show you the distance of the place from your location in Miles or Kilometres . You can set distance label to show you Miles or Kilometres in the settings of the Application.
You can also mark some results as favourites and use them later. The app brings every possible details of the places on your phone.
Just hit on any category from the the predefined list or enter your search text , the app will bring the result . The result list will also show you the direction for each of the places with the distance in miles/Km .
You can also mark some results as favourites and use them later. The app brings every possible details of the places on your phone.
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of Places Around Me! No registration and SMS required!