Find apartments and rentals and get the Walk Score of any location.
Built for the on-the-go apartment hunter, Walk Score’s Apartments and Homes for Rent takes the hassle out of finding your next home or apartment and helps you live near the people and places you love. We collect listings from top rental listing sites including Apartment Finder, HotPads, MyNewPlace, Realtor.com, Trulia and many more.
Whether you're looking to live in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, or a smaller city, Walk Score's Apartments and Homes for Rent helps you find the perfect apartment, condo, or house rental.
Also, use this app to see the Walk Score of any address!
+ Find apartments and rentals in your city
+ See the freshest affordable apartment and condo rental listings from top sites
+ Commute time search: specify one or more places you or your family/roommates work to find apartments within your selected commute time from work (via your preferred transit mode - walk, bike, public transit, or car)
+ Photo list view: quickly scan through photos and prices of apartments for rent in your search area
+ Intuitive map search: browse listings in multiple city neighborhoods on a map
+ Powerful filters: narrow your search by location, number of beds and baths, affordable price, pet-friendliness, proximity to "Gotta Have" amenities like a grocery store, walkability, or nearby bus stops
+ Keyword search: to find apartments with certain features, use keywords like "hardwood floors" or "rooftop deck" to filter your search
+ Floor plan viewer: visualize your future home by looking at available floor plans for apartment buildings
+ Easy contact form: contact landlords and property managers directly through the app for easy apartment searching on the go.
+ Favorites: save your favorite rental listings and access them across on walkscore.com or any mobile device
+ Get Score: Instantly get the Walk Score of any address or location
Whether you're looking at apartments for rent in large cities (New York, Chicago, Toronto, Boston, etc.), or anywhere in the U.S., Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, Walk Score helps you find walkable apartments or homes for rent, so that you can live the lifestyle that makes you happiest.
About Walk Score: We believe walkable neighborhoods with access to public transit, shorter commutes, and people and places you love are the key to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Walk Score is officially supported in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
We love hearing your feedback. Email [email protected] to let us know what you think.
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