Deciphering the current political, economic, social and professional.
The new Economist - The continuous decoding of political, economic, social and professional news.
Content of your mobile app
- Analyzes and opinions classified by domain: public affairs, companies, social economy, art of living
- Files: the BtoB and BtoC surveys of the week
- Syndicated articles from Financial Times in English
- Portraits: a gallery of 160 portraits of personalities
- Archives: a search engine with more than 3,000 feature articles
- Synchronization of your favorites: Find your favorites on the site and applications of the new Economist
Themes of the newspaper
- The major challenges of the world of today and tomorrow
- The strategies of companies, administrations and local authorities
- The issues of general management and executive management: Law, Finance, Environment, Marketing, Communication, Technology, R & D, HR, General Services, etc.
The strengths of your Android application
- See articles 24H / 24H
- Saving items in your smartphone's memory
- Make your own selection of items with favorites
- Easily share articles by email, twitter, facebook, Skype, etc.
- View the weekly newspaper in page version and in article reading optimized for the smartphone
Here's what the Gold Rush ability is in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2: Lawless and how players can activate it.
A new and improved form of Isagi style has been added to Blue Lock Rivals called Nel Isagi. Indicative of its name, this is based on the Isagi character
In the Cursed Event Update, the developers have added two new items to the base game called Rod of Time and an Hourglass Boat. Both of these are craftable
Boons make their return in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 2: Lawless, so here's the full list and how to get them.
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